Over 10,000 rally against boss, UK gov’t attacks on living standards

Vol. 86/No. 24 - July 4, 2022
Picket line by rail workers in Manchester, England, June 21, part of daylong strike actions by more than 40,000 RMT members across the country for better pay and opposing job cuts.

LONDON — More than ten thousand trade unionists from around the U.K. joined a June 18 demonstration here to protest mounting assaults on living standards. The action was called by the Trades Union Congress. “We’re being mugged,” Mesol Sapie, a…

Liberals assault on Trump, Supreme Court is threat to political rights

Vol. 86/No. 24 - July 4, 2022

The Democratic Party’s relentless drive to prevent former President Donald Trump from running again in 2024 stepped up a gear starting June 9 with hours of televised House Select Committee hearings probing the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion at the Capitol…

Back Ukraine independence!Get Moscow’s troops out now!

Unite Ukrainian, Russian workers against Putin’s war!
Vol. 86/No. 23 - June 13, 2022
Students, teachers in Rivne, Ukraine, organize June 1 fundraising race to help rebuild Chernihiv, hard hit by Moscow’s assault. Speakers included head of union at nuclear power plant there.

Moscow’s invasion and murderous bombardment of Ukraine has been resisted tenaciously by the Ukrainian people for over three months, opening a new stage in the decline and disintegration of the capitalist “world order” set up after World War II. The…

Gun violence, crime are result of today’s crisis of capitalism

Vol. 86/No. 23 - June 13, 2022
Col. Maurice Tawes fails to get civil rights leader Gloria Richardson to call off July 15, 1963, picket of segregated drug store in Cambridge, Maryland. Crime rate in the city plunged 75% during 1962-63 fight against Jim Crow segregation there. Richardson led the struggle, with union backing, in face of attacks from racist thugs and National Guard occupation of the city.

The horrifying mass shooting that killed 21 children and teachers at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, has sparked heated debate and mutual accusations of blame on the left and right of capitalist politics. None address the root cause…

After over a year, Warrior Met strikers stand strong

Vol. 86/No. 23 - June 13, 2022

ATLANTA — “We’re keeping up our weekly solidarity rallies,” striking Warrior Met coal miner Otis Sims told the Militant in a phone interview May 29. “They’re important. Now we have them outside UMWA Local 2397’s union hall in Brookwood every…

SWP files for ballot in Minnesota, plans campaigning across the US

Vol. 86/No. 23 - June 13, 2022
Minnesota’s Faribault Daily News reporter Kristine Goodrich interviews SWP candidates Gabrielle Prosser and Kevin Dwire while they campaign in Walmart parking lot there May 26.

MINNEAPOLIS — During two weeks of daily campaigning through May 31, supporters of the Socialist Workers Party’s ticket of Gabrielle Prosser for governor and Kevin Dwire for lieutenant governor collected 2,566 signatures — well over the state’s requirement of 2,000…

Arson at Wyoming family planning clinic is attack on women’s rights

Vol. 86/No. 23 - June 13, 2022
Riata Little Walker, backer of Wellspring Health Access family planning clinic damaged in arson attack in Casper, Wyoming, speaks at pro-choice rally there May 14. Women who face medical problems in a pregnancy “are the only ones who can make those decisions,” she said.

An arsonist damaged a family planning and women’s health center under construction in Casper, Wyoming, May 25. Wellspring Health Access, a national health care nonprofit that provides reproductive care in rural areas, plans to offer a range of services, including…

US gov’t, Seoul announce new provocations against NKorea

Vol. 86/No. 23 - June 13, 2022

President Joseph Biden embarked on his first visit to South Korea May 20-22, where he and newly elected South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol announced plans to expand provocative joint war games and to push increased economic sanctions against North…

As capitalist crisis deepens, workers need road forward

Vol. 86/No. 22 - June 6, 2022

Since the 2008 financial crash, living and working conditions in the U.S. have starkly declined for workers and our families, exacerbated by the effects of government lockdowns during the pandemic. Class inequalities have widened. Today, skyrocketing inflation, coupled with a…

Vote reflects the growing support for Irish unity

Vol. 86/No. 22 - June 6, 2022

An end to the British rulers’ domination and centurylong partition of Ireland has been thrust back onto the agenda following the emergence of Sinn Fein as the leading party in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. This is…