Fidel Castro: Cuba shows revolution needs Marxist leadership to win

Vol. 86/No. 2 - January 17, 2022

The condensed excerpts below are taken from a Dec. 1, 1961, speech published rapidly by the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, which campaigned across the U.S. in defense of Cuba’s unfolding socialist revolution, under the title “Fidel Castro Speaks on…

2021: Strikes, solidarity heat up the class struggle

Workers use their unions to fight boss attacks
Vol. 86/No. 1 - January 3, 2022
Nabisco strike support rally in Chicago Sept. 4. Issues raised by strikers, from fighting divisive two-tier wages to need for automatic cost-of-living clauses, are important for all workers.

“The concession stand is closed,” United Steelworkers union members told the Militant on the picket lines during their three-month strike against Allegheny Technologies Inc. earlier this year, showing their determination to take on the bosses’ unrelenting drive against our unity,…

Workers vote to end strike at Kellogg’s, go back stronger

Vol. 86/No. 1 - January 3, 2022

BATTLE CREEK, Mich. — Some 1,400 cereal workers, members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers union, voted to end their 2 1/2 month strike against Kellogg’s, the union announced Dec. 21. The key issue in the battle…

‘Militant has news workers need to fight effectively’

Vol. 86/No. 1 - January 3, 2022
SWP member Josefina Otero, left, talks to Marrie Martinez and Arianna Ortiz at Martinez’s house in Dallas Dec. 3. Martinez renewed, saying she likes the Militant’s strike coverage.

Socialist Workers Party members and other readers of the Militant newspaper have been getting back to the paper’s hundreds of new subscribers, visiting them on strike picket lines and at their homes, meeting in coffee shops and staying in touch…

Importance of labor unions shown during deadly Midwest tornadoes

Vol. 86/No. 1 - January 3, 2022
2019 strike at GM plant in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Union-organized plant had basement tornado shelter, no lives were lost, unlike at nonunion Amazon warehouse, candle factory.

Natural disasters under capitalist rule inevitably become a social catastrophe for workers and farmers, as the effects are multiplied by the workings of the dog-eat-dog for-profit system. This exposes the contempt the wealthy rulers have for the safety, life and…

US rulers’ drive to isolate Cuba dealt blow by Colombia award

Vol. 86/No. 1 - January 3, 2022

The U.S. rulers’ drive to isolate Cuba was dealt a setback Dec. 8 when the Congress of Colombia gave an award to the Cuban government for facilitating talks that led to a peace agreement between the Colombian government and the…

Social disaster after tornadoes result of bosses drive for profits

Vol. 85/No. 48 - December 27, 2021

Powerful tornadoes swept across six states Dec. 10, resulting in a death toll climbing to over 100 people, including factory workers left to fend for themselves on the job in Kentucky and Illinois. While the storms were a mighty reflection…

Build solidarity with the Kellogg, miners strikes!

Kellogg’s strikers say No! to two-tier wages, benefits
Vol. 85/No. 48 - December 27, 2021

The 1,400 members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers union continue to stand strong on the picket lines following their overwhelming rejection of a new contract offer by Kellogg’s bosses that would have divided and weakened the…