Build fight against cop killings of George Floyd and Daunte Wright

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021
Mural in Minneapolis near where George Floyd was killed. Millions of working people and youth — of all skin colors — joined protests after his death, demanding prosecution of cops.

MINNEAPOLIS — As the state prosecution in the trial of fired police officer Derek Chauvin comes to an end, damning testimony by prosecution witnesses — including the Minneapolis police chief, the medical examiner who conducted the autopsy, and other officials…

Workers, unions need to fight for jobs for all who need them!

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021
Graph shows millions of workers remain unemployed today, majority dependent on temporary gov’t “pandemic” handouts — 43% for more than six months; nearly 25% for over a year.

For over a year, since the onset of the coronavirus epidemic and ensuing government lockdowns, U.S. bosses have thrown millions out of work to defend their profits. Neither Democratic nor Republican administrations have done anything to reverse this. The only…

Back locked-out Minnesota oil refinery workers’ fight for safety!

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021

ST. PAUL PARK, Minn. — Two hundred Teamsters, members of Local 120, have been locked out by Marathon Petroleum here since January 22. While negotiations continue, the company, the biggest refinery owner in the U.S., has refused to budge, especially…

Protests continue in Myanmar in face of military’s deadly attacks

Vol. 85/No. 15 - April 19, 2021
April 1 protest against military coup in Tant Se, in Myanmar’s Sagaing Region, by workers, farmers, Buddhist monks, students from surrounding towns and villages. Region has history of farmers fight for land, as well as Chin and other ethnic minorities’ battles for equal rights.

The junta in Myanmar has been unable to quell daily protest marches, candlelight vigils and strikes opposing the Feb. 1 military coup despite killing hundreds of protesters and jailing thousands. The police pulled over several public transit buses for no…

Organize to fight for jobs! White House plan leaves millions jobless

Vol. 85/No. 15 - April 19, 2021

Persistent, large-scale unemployment — a result of the crisis of capitalist production and trade exacerbated by government lockdowns — remains the biggest challenge before working people today. Organizing a fight to get the millions who have been thrown out of…

Coal miners in Alabama stand up to Warrior Met

Vol. 85/No. 15 - April 19, 2021
United Mine Workers of America Local 2397 members on picket line at Warrior Met mine No. 7, April 2. At left is Tyler Bittle; right, Antwon McGee. Over 1,100 went on strike day before.

Members of the United Mine Workers voted April 9 to reject the tentative agreement reached with the owners of Warrior Met Coal April 5. The strike continues. BROOKWOOD, Ala. – More than 1,100 United Mine Workers of America members struck…

Back striking Steelworkers fighting ATI union busting!

Join the picket lines, send support, donations
Vol. 85/No. 15 - April 19, 2021
Steelworkers picket at ATI in Lockport, New York. Union members are on strike in five states.

WASHINGTON, Pa. — “The concession stand is closed,” was the slogan used by Steelworkers at Allegheny Technologies Inc. when the bosses locked them out for seven months in 2015-16. Today some 1,300 United Steelworkers members are on strike against ATI…

Cuba’s int’l solidarity vs. US bosses’ drive for vaccine profits

Vol. 85/No. 15 - April 19, 2021

There are two different class approaches to the vaccination efforts against COVID-19 confronting workers and farmers around the world today. One ensures the profits of the ruling capitalist families, who own the giant for-profit pharmaceutical and medical insurance monopolies. The…

Build solidarity with ATI Steelworkers on strike!

Fight attack on their jobs, health care and union
Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021
March 30 picket line in Washington, Pennsylvania, first day of strike against ATI. Steelworkers haven’t had a raise since 2014, face boss demands to cut jobs, add more divisive wage tiers.

BRACKENRIDGE, Pa. — Scores of union steelworkers joined picket lines at the Allegheny Technologies Inc. mill here March 30, and at the mill in Washington, as 1,300 United Steelworkers members in five states struck against the company’s profit-driven concession demands.…

Mass protests in Myanmar face deadly gov’t assaults

Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021

Streets were deserted and shopping districts shuttered in large cities, small towns and villages all across Myanmar March 24 during a one day “silent strike,” demonstrating the overwhelming opposition to the brutal military junta that seized power Feb. 1.  When…