Bosses’ profit drive at heart of capitalist catastrophe in Texas

Vol. 85/No. 9 - March 8, 2021
In act of working-class solidarity, Jessica Villa-Gomez, owner of Boombox Taco, has given out thousands of tacos to working people in Houston who have been without electricity for days.

DALLAS — An unusual major winter storm beginning Feb. 12 spread snowfall and damaging ice here, all across Texas, in other parts of the South and Midwest, and in northern Mexico. Snow blanketed 80% of Texas, from Dallas to Brownsville…

Myanmar protests say, ‘Down with military rule’

Vol. 85/No. 8 - March 1, 2021
Workers in Yangon’s Shwepyithar Industrial Zone protest Feb. 17 against military coup and for better job conditions. Workers, unions are key component of protests against military rule.

Despite arrests, internet shutdowns, and police and military assaults on demonstrators, protests against the Feb. 1 military coup in Myanmar continue. Hundreds of thousands took to the streets across the country Feb. 17, in response to the army’s ludicrous claim…

Workers stand up to largest refinery company in US

Solidarity with Marathon oil workers in Minnesota!
Vol. 85/No. 8 - March 1, 2021
President of Minnesota Nurses Association delivers firewood donation to workers locked out by Marathon Petroleum in St. Paul Park, Minnesota. Strike support is crucial for the union.

ST. PAUL PARK, Minn. — An important labor battle is playing out here that pits Marathon Petroleum — the largest oil refining company in the U.S. — against 200 workers, members of the Teamsters union. These workers deserve solidarity and…

Solidarity with Marathon oil workers in Minnesota!

Vol. 85/No. 8 - March 1, 2021

Statement by Rebecca Williamson, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Seattle City Council, Feb. 17.  I’m asking workers and our unions to spread the word and build solidarity with workers fighting against boss attacks today — from oil refinery workers battling…

SWP: ‘Join in, build support for workers’ struggles’

Vol. 85/No. 8 - March 1, 2021
Róger Calero, left, SWP candidate for mayor of New York, with Alberto Mendoza, a worker at Hunts Point Produce Market, Feb. 10. “The bosses use the unemployed to drive down our wages,” Mendoza told Calero. “Then they tell us, if you don’t like it, there’s the front door!”

After campaign supporters turned in seven times the number of required signatures, Gerardo Sánchez, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Dallas City Council, was certified for the ballot Feb. 10.  Supporters of the campaign of Joe Swanson, the party’s candidate for…

Victory! Prison ban on ‘Militant’ in Pennsylvania is overturned

Vol. 85/No. 8 - March 1, 2021

Victory! Pennsylvania state officials informed the Militant  Feb. 12 that they had overturned the ban on the Jan. 4 issue of the paper at the Camp Hill State Correctional Institution.  “We did pull the publication to review and determined that…

News update: Victory over prison ban in Pennsylvania!

Vol. 85/No. 7 - February 22, 2021

A victory has been won. On Feb. 12 Diana Woodside, director of the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections’ office of Policy, Grants and Legislative Affairs, informed Militant attorney David Goldstein Feb. 12 that upon review Militant issue no. 1 “will be…