Cuban medical missions face US gov’t slander and threats

Vol. 84/No. 27 - July 13, 2020
Dr. Leonardo Fernández greeted by neighbors, family and representatives of Federation of Cuban Women, the association of small farmers and other mass organizations June 21 on his return to Guantánamo, Cuba, after two months treating COVID-19 patients in Lombardy, Italy.

Revolutionary Cuba has sent more than 2,000 doctors and other health care workers to 30 countries over the last few months in response to governments’ requests for help in treating patients during the COVID-19 worldwide outbreak. The Cuban volunteers have…

SWP 2020 campaign presents fighting working-class program

Vol. 84/No. 27 - July 13, 2020
Omari Musa, right, SWP candidate for D.C. Congress delegate, speaks with retired worker James Cunningham June 27.

Outrage at the impact of the crisis of capitalism on the lives of working people — from police brutality to bosses’ assaults on wages and working conditions, and workers’ resistance to these attacks — is increasing interest in the Socialist…

Cuba’s revolution is an example for working people everywhere

Vol. 84/No. 25 - June 29, 2020
One million strong rally at Havana Presidential Palace, Jan. 21, 1959, demonstrates in support of revolution with Fidel Castro, facing camera on right. In course of revolution, workers and farmers in Cuba transformed themselves, taking control of their country and their destiny.

The Cuban Revolution — a historic victory won in struggle by the workers and farmers of Cuba in 1959 and defended for more than six decades — is a striking alternative to the dog-eat-dog, “look out for number one” morality…

Young people grab ‘Militant,’ books as they join in protests

Vol. 84/No. 25 - June 29, 2020
SWP congressional candidate Willie Cotton, left, and SWP member Tamar Rosenfeld, wearing sign, talk with other participants at New York police brutality protest June 7. “There’s a thirst for books about Black struggle, women’s emancipation, revolutionary history,” Cotton said.

“I want that book,” the young man pointing to Women’s Liberation and the African Freedom Struggle told Socialist Workers Party campaigner Tamar Rosenfeld at the party’s literature table during one of the many protests against police brutality in New York…

Alan Harris: 65-year leader of the communist movement

Vol. 84/No. 25 - June 29, 2020
Alan Harris and his wife Connie played a decisive role in the struggle to establish modern communist party in the U.K. Before moving there, Harris had been a leader of the communist movement in Canada. Above, Harris, front center, marches at 1987 miners’ gala in Mansfield. Right, Harris promotes Militant and Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power at London 2010 protest against social welfare cuts.

LONDON — “Alan Harris was a proletarian party-builder,” said Jonathan Silberman, organizer of the Central Committee of the Communist League in the United Kingdom, welcoming people to a gathering here May 31 to celebrate Harris’ life and political contributions. “Alan…

‘Building socialism is a voluntary task of free men and women’

Vol. 84/No. 24 - June 22, 2020
Faced with provocations and war threats from Washington in 1980 as struggles spread across Latin America and the Caribbean, including revolutions by workers and farmers in Nicaragua and Grenada, millions of working people mobilized across Cuba in defense of their revolution.

Cuba’s Internationalist Foreign Policy 1975-80 by Fidel Castro is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for June. Castro was the central leader of the Cuban Revolution that triumphed in 1959. Excerpted here is his 1980 “Speech to the Fighting…

Frank Gorton built communist movement in Canada, UK, US

Vol. 84/No. 24 - June 22, 2020
Frank Gorton, far right with bullhorn, was union spokesperson in 1969 demonstration for wage parity between skilled, unskilled workers at Raleigh bike factory in Nottingham, England.

MONTREAL — The political activity and contributions of Frank Gorton, a 56-year cadre of the world communist movement, were celebrated here at a May 31 event sponsored by the Communist League. Gorton dedicated his life to building communist parties in…