Demand amnesty for immigrant workers!

Propertied rulers debate who to let in, keep out
Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018
Sept. 10 Omaha, Nebraska, protest. Socialist Workers Party says Amnesty for all immigrants!

Democratic and some Republican senators on the one side and President Donald Trump on the other are blaming each other for the failure to pass legislation that would block the deportation of thousands of immigrant “dreamers” who came to the…

Amnesty now! No deportations!

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018

The Socialist Workers Party says, “Stop the deportation of the ‘dreamers.’” We stand for this as part of the fight to win amnesty for all 11 million workers who don’t have papers recognized by the courts and the cops in…

US rulers debate deal on Dreamers, immigrants

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018

In his State of the Union speech Jan. 30, President Donald Trump called on Congress to pass bipartisan legislation that would more than double the number of “dreamers” protected from deportation and open the door for them to gain citizenship.…

Washington threatens to deport 200,000 Salvadorans

Vol. 82/No. 3 - January 22, 2018
Washington threatens to deport 200,000 Salvadorans

“We are here because of the misfortunes that the rulers of the United States have caused in our country,” Sara Ramírez, an organizer for Casa Maryland, told protesters in front of the White House Jan. 8, after the U.S. government…

Amnesty now! No more deportations!

Vol. 82/No. 3 - January 22, 2018

The U.S. government is taking measures to eliminate federal programs that could lead to deportation of more than a million immigrant workers and youth, many who have lived in the U.S. for decades. Over the last couple months, the Department…

Chinese immigrants are not ‘passive victims of discrimination’

Conference in Nagasaki, Japan, discusses experience of Chinese workers, peasants and merchants who emigrated around the world
Vol. 82/No. 2 - January 15, 2018

NAGASAKI, Japan — The experiences of Chinese workers, peasants and merchants who have emigrated in their millions to Southeast Asia and beyond, becoming part of the class struggle and political lives of working people in many nations, was a focus…

‘In Cuba there is no discrimination against Chinese’

Vol. 82/No. 2 - January 15, 2018

NAGASAKI, Japan — The differing class origins and perspectives of the millions of people who made up the Chinese “diaspora” over the last 200 years, and how these differences affected their struggles against discrimination, were discussed and debated at an…