Defend sovereignty of Israel and Ukraine

Vol. 88/No. 2 - January 15, 2024

Moscow’s murderous war on Ukraine, its culture and its people, and the Tehran-sponsored Hamas pogrom seeking to smash Israel and kill as many Jews as possible are two watershed events whose ramifications effect politics worldwide. Both are deadly threats to…

Defend Israel’s right to exist! Join fight against Jew-hatred

Defeating Hamas opens door to unite Jews, Arabs
Vol. 88/No. 2 - January 15, 2024
Filipino migrant workers in Israel volunteer to help bring in the crops after Oct. 7 pogrom. Hamas had killed not just Jews, but Filipinos, Thais and Arab Israelis who worked with Jews.

Israeli forces continue making gains against the Tehran-sponsored Hamas terror organization in Gaza. These advances are increasing openings to bring together Jewish, Arab and other workers in Israel and the Middle East in common struggle. Israeli forces, with the backing…

Defend Israel’s right to exist! Fighting Jew-hatred is union question

Israel battles to stop new Hamas pogroms
Vol. 88/No. 1 - January 1, 2024
Soldados israelíes en túnel en norte de Gaza, 15 de dic., parte de la extensa red subterránea que Hamás usa para realizar ataques contra judíos en Israel como el pogromo del 7 de octubre.

The U.S. government is ratcheting up pressure on Israel to wind down its war against Tehran-backed Hamas in Gaza, a war aimed at defending Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for Jews and preventing the reactionary Islamist outfit from…

As Arab gov’ts recognize Israel, space opens for workers

Vol. 85/No. 3 - January 25, 2021

Over the last six months the seven-decades-long boycott of the Jewish state of Israel initiated by Arab governments in the Middle East has begun to break apart. This is good for working people in Israel and the Palestinian territories, throughout…

What do the new accords in the Mideast mean for working people?

Vol. 84/No. 39 - October 5, 2020

Three years ago Socialist Workers Party National Secretary Jack Barnes released a statement pointing to the “necessity for the Israeli and Arab governments and leaderships of Palestinian organizations to begin immediate talks to recognize both Israel and an independent Palestinian…

Bahrain joins UAE in signing recognition pact with Israel

Vol. 84/No. 38 - September 28, 2020
Jewish and Arab bus drivers demand better work conditions in Jerusalem in July. Recognition of Israel and a sovereign Palestinian state would open door to advancing workers’ interests.

Coming on the heels of last month’s pact where the governments of Israel and the United Arab Emirates formally recognized each other, the rulers in Bahrain announced they would also restore full diplomatic relations with Israel Sept. 11. Each step…

For recognition of Israel and of a Palestinian state!

Vol. 84/No. 34 - August 31, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued the following statement Aug. 19. The accord signed establishing diplomatic relations between the governments of Israel and the United Arab Emirates can lead to further steps toward the Israeli and…

A debate: Marxism and the fight against Jew-hatred

Vol. 84/No. 8 - March 2, 2020
Jewish Press ran Socialist Workers Party statement on fight against Jew-hatred in Dec. 27 issue, which drew an attack.

A debate has unfolded in the Jewish Press, the largest Jewish weekly in the U.S., over the origins of Jew-hatred and how to fight it. The Dec. 27 issue reprinted a Dec. 17 statement by Seth Galinsky for the Socialist…

Iran protests hit economic crisis, rulers Mideast wars

Vol. 83/No. 45 - December 9, 2019

Working people have joined anti-government demonstrations in some 100 cities and towns across Iran, protesting the Iranian rulers’ military intervention across the Mideast and the government’s doubling of fuel prices.  The actions take place as the political and economic crisis…

‘For recognition of Israel and of a Palestinian state’

Vol. 83/No. 44 - December 2, 2019

After Israeli Defense Forces carried out a “surgical” airstrike in Gaza City Nov. 12, killing senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad commander Baha Abu al-Ata and his wife, the group responded with some 50 hours of retaliatory rocket fire. A dozen more…