SWP: Fight for independent working-class political action

Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018

As historic changes are taking place in the world — in Korea, the Middle East, Europe and elsewhere — members and supporters of the Socialist Workers Party are taking their class-struggle program broadly to working people. They knock on workers’…

SWP, ‘Militant’ expand reach deeper into the working class

Vol. 82/No. 23 - June 11, 2018
Mechanic Corey Whiteloch in Surrey, suburb of Vancouver, British Columbia, is one of many new Militant readers. He signed up when Lynda Little knocked on his door April 14, and got Are They Rich Because They’re Smart? by Jack Barnes, contributed to Militant Fighting Fund.

The Militant extends a warm welcome to the 1,540 people who subscribed for the first time or renewed their subscriptions in the course of a just concluded eight-week campaign of the Socialist Workers Party to expand the paper’s readership, sell…

Build, join workers’ protests, win solidarity!

Vol. 82/No. 22 - June 4, 2018
Malcolm Jarrett, center, and Sergio Zambrana, right, joined May 16 mass rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, building teachers’ fight and introducing workers to the Socialist Workers Party. Actions spiked interest in the Militant, books by party leaders and Militant Fighting Fund.

The explosion of strikes and protests by teachers across the country had a big impact on the Socialist Workers Party’s effort to expand the reach of the Militant and books by party leaders, and to raise at least $112,000 for…

Workers look to ‘Militant’ for news on teacher fights

Vol. 82/No. 21 - May 28, 2018

As we approach the final week of the Socialist Workers Party campaigns to sell 1,400 subscriptions to the Militant, 1,400 books by SWP leaders and raise $112,000 for the Militant Fighting Fund, reports coming in from SWP members and supporters,…

SWP, books, ‘Militant’ spark interest among working people

Vol. 82/No. 20 - May 21, 2018

When teachers and other school workers went on strike May 7 in Pueblo, Colorado, Walmart worker Helen Meyers and a team of other Socialist Workers Party members and supporters were there to join in solidarity and introduce the party, its…

The ‘Militant,’ SWP books welcomed at protest actions

Vol. 82/No. 19 - May 14, 2018

DENVER — “I’m interested in a fighting labor movement. These books and your newspaper look like they point the way,” Eddie Asher told Socialist Workers Party member Jacquie Henderson at the thousands-strong rally of teachers, school workers, bus drivers and…

W.Va. workers proud of victory of teachers strike there

Vol. 82/No. 19 - May 14, 2018

BLACKSVILLE, W.Va. — A team of Socialist Workers Party members and supporters returned to the coal mining region in West Virginia April 27-30 to speak with miners and other workers the party had met during the recent school workers strike…

SWP uses the ‘Militant’ to get support for labor battles

Vol. 82/No. 18 - May 7, 2018

“I support the teachers,” Alfonso Delgado Jr., a landscaper, told Joel Britton and Betsey Stone when they knocked on his door in Superior, Arizona, April 21. “The government has cut a lot in the schools, including shop courses and auto…

Campaign with ‘Militant,’ SWP books!

Vol. 82/No. 17 - April 30, 2018

The Militant urges its readers to join the Socialist Workers Party campaign to sell subscriptions to the party’s paper, books by SWP leaders and other revolutionaries, and win contributors to the Militant Fighting Fund. The increase in labor battles by…