No layoffs! Cut workweek with no cut in weekly pay!

Spreading layoffs, shutdowns deepen crisis facing workers
Vol. 84/No. 51 - December 28, 2020
Nurses strike Dec. 1-2 at Montefiore hospital in New Rochelle, New York. Bosses refuse to hire more nurses, meaning there isn’t enough staff to provide needed health care during pandemic.

A spreading second wave of government-ordered lockdowns on production, retail, restaurants and other stores is worsening the crisis conditions inflicted on working people by the bosses and their governments. Small shopkeepers are being crushed and mass unemployment is deepening competition…

Workers and farmers need to chart our own road forward

Vol. 84/No. 51 - December 28, 2020
Hundreds of vehicles lined up outside Roadrunner Food Bank in Albuquerque Nov. 24 to get food for Thanksgiving.

Workers and our unions need to raise the banner of fighting to shorten the workweek to 30 hours without a single penny cut from take-home pay. This can prevent layoffs and keep millions of fellow workers on the job. Winning…

Organize to fight for jobs, wages and health!

New gov’t lockdowns make workers’ jobs crisis worse
Vol. 84/No. 50 - December 21, 2020
Remington arms workers march Dec. 5 in Ilion, New York, to demand severance pay, vacation pay, after bosses declared bankruptcy. Albany nurses fighting for contract joined in solidarity.

While the government claims unemployment is going down, tens of millions of working people have been out of work for many months and thousands more job cuts have been announced. And bosses are demanding bigger wage and benefit cuts and…

Working people need our own party, a labor party

As economic, health crisis deepens, fight boss attacks
Vol. 84/No. 49 - December 14, 2020
Workers at Owens Corning in Guelph, Ontario, on strike Nov. 20 against concession demands, an example of workers fighting boss attacks on jobs, wages, health and working conditions.

With tens of millions out of work, bosses are still laying workers off, cutting wages and benefits, and speeding up production. The employers hope the intensified competition among workers for jobs will create better conditions to deepen these attacks and…

Fight for gov’t public works program to create jobs now!

Gov’t lockdowns deepen jobs, wages, health crisis
Vol. 84/No. 47 - November 30, 2020
Some 8,500 families, 17 times more than last year, waited up to 12 hours in huge lines to get turkey, canned goods and other food for Thanksgiving at North Texas Food Bank in Dallas.

Nine months into a deadly pandemic, workers, farmers and small proprietors of all kinds face a deep and intertwined crisis of jobs, wages, safety and health. Millions are without jobs. Food banks are overrun, especially heading into Thanksgiving. The few…

Workers need our own party, a labor party!

Bosses drive to make workers pay for crisis of capitalism
Vol. 84/No. 43 - November 2, 2020
UNITE HERE Local 5 and Hawaii Nurses and Healthcare Professionals workers at Kaiser Wailuku in Hawaii rally in mid-October, protest boss plans to close departments, cut workers.

Whichever capitalist political party wins the presidency Nov. 3 — the Democrats with Joseph Biden or Republicans with Donald Trump — tens of millions of workers are going to face the same deep economic, and moral crisis the day after…

Cut workweek with no cut in pay to stop layoffs

Demand gov’t-financed public works program to create jobs
Vol. 84/No. 42 - October 26, 2020
Fairacres Manor nursing home residents in Greeley, Colorado, backed by nursing staff, protest restrictions imposed on physical contact with loved ones Oct. 8. Rulers have shunted elderly into overcrowded, understaffed nursing homes, leaving thousands shut in to die.

Millions of workers in the U.S. have lost their jobs in the midst of a two-sided and intertwined capitalist economic and social crisis unfolding today. One side is the efforts of the bosses and their government to make working people…

For a shorter workweek with no cut in pay to stop job cuts!

Vol. 84/No. 41 - October 19, 2020

This statement was issued by Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, Oct. 7. In the hands of the Democrats and Republicans, the two parties of ruling capitalist families, billions of dollars in government handouts have flowed into the…

Workers need a union in every workplace!

Jobs crisis is biggest threat facing working people today
Vol. 84/No. 38 - September 28, 2020

More workers face rising hardship and uncertainty about the future today as high unemployment persists. The capitalist governments on all levels — federal, state and local — have taken few steps to alleviate, much less reverse, these conditions. The Socialist…

Fight for gov’t-funded public works program to create jobs

Action needed now against impact of mass joblessness
Vol. 84/No. 36 - September 14, 2020
SEIU 32BJ union members demand jobs back, safe conditions, unemployment pay Aug. 13, after Delta airlines contractor Eulen America laid off 100 workers at Ft. Lauderdale airport.

Massive unemployment is not going away. It’s increasing competition among workers for jobs, as millions face devastating conditions, including the spectre of eviction. Rising numbers are forced to “choose” between paying medical bills, putting food on the table or covering…