UK fight over firing for defense of women’s rights, science

Vol. 84/No. 6 - February 17, 2020

MANCHESTER, England — Judge James Tayler of the Central London Employment Tribunal upheld the firing of Maya Forstater Dec. 19. Forstater had spoken out against undermining women’s rights in the name of protecting those who “identify” as the opposite sex.…

Out of the EU, UK rulers seek trade bloc with Washington

Vol. 84/No. 6 - February 17, 2020
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, left, and President Donald Trump meet at U.N. meeting last September. After London break with EU, rulers seek trade bloc with Washington to compete.

As promised, the Conservative U.K. government led by Prime Minister Boris Johnson walked out of the European Union Jan. 31, dealing a blow to the German and French rulers who dominate it. Johnson’s government will now start talks, first and…

Johnson says workers ‘lent’ him their votes to get UK out of EU

Vol. 84/No. 1 - January 13, 2020
Picket at Waterloo station, London, during December strike against South Western Railway in defense of guard jobs, safety for rail workers and passengers. Fight by workers to get UK out of EU took place against backdrop of deepening capitalist crisis, growing disdain of Labour Party.

LONDON — Boris Johnson claimed his Conservative Party’s huge electoral victory, built on an overwhelming working-class vote, was the “starting gun being fired on what promises to be a fantastic year and a remarkable decade for our United Kingdom.” But…

UK: Workers vote to demand ‘Get out of EU,’ reject Labour anti-Semitism

Vol. 83/No. 48 - December 30, 2019
Jonathan Silberman, right, Communist League parliamentary candidate in Tottenham, speaks with rail guards (conductors) on strike against South Western Railway, Waterloo station Dec. 4.

The ruling Conservative Party won in a landslide in the U.K. parliamentary elections Dec. 12, winning 365 seats against the opposition Labour Party’s 203. The election campaign followed an unrelenting three-year drive by the main capitalist parties to prevent the…

Rail workers in UK strike to defend jobs and safety

Vol. 83/No. 48 - December 30, 2019

Some 800 guards (conductors), members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union, began a monthlong strike Dec. 2 against government and bosses’ attacks on their union and to defend jobs and safety for both rail workers and passengers.  The workers’…

Communist League in UK: ‘Jew-hatred is deadly threat to the working class’

Vol. 83/No. 46 - December 16, 2019
Jonathan Silberman, Communist League candidate for Tottenham in U.K., speaks Dec. 2 at pre-election candidates forum of 40 people at Turkish Cypriot Community Association, along with candidates from Labour, Liberal Democrats and Conservatives. “We need to build an independent working class movement like in the Cuban Revolution,” he said.

LONDON— Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn’s handling of anti-Semitism makes him “unfit for high office” writes Ephraim Mirvis, the U.K.’s chief rabbi, in the Times of London, weeks before Corbyn faces Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the country’s parliamentary election,…

Workers organize support for flood-hit parts of UK

Vol. 83/No. 45 - December 9, 2019
Caroline Bellamy, U.K. Communist League parliamentary candidate in Manchester, speaks with Steve Miller in Bentley Nov. 16. Miller is organizing workers into flood relief efforts.

BENTLEY, England — Inadequate provision of flood defenses and other infrastructure, coupled with the government’s refusal to organize much needed aid, have wreaked havoc on the livelihoods of workers and farmers across parts of Yorkshire and the Midlands after flooding…

Hundreds protest in London, demand ‘No more Grenfells!’

Vol. 83/No. 44 - December 2, 2019
Demonstrators protest Nov. 14 in London in one of monthly “silent marches” marking 2017 fire in Grenfell Tower where 72 people died after flammable cladding on building ignited.

LONDON — Hundreds joined a Nov. 14 protest marking the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire in which 72 people lost their lives. The monthly “silent marches” are called by Grenfell United, an organization of residents, their family members and others to…

UK election: ‘Workers need our own political party’

Vol. 83/No. 42 - November 18, 2019

MANCHESTER, England — “I can’t decide how to vote. I don’t understand why they don’t do Brexit,” rail worker Danny Boyle told this reporter as we talked during a break at Manchester Piccadilly station, where we both work. Similar conversations…

UK rulers seek to get around 2016 vote to get out of EU

Vol. 83/No. 40 - November 4, 2019

LONDON — The House of Commons voted Oct. 19 to instruct Prime Minister Boris Johnson to seek another extension to the deadline for the U.K. to get out of the EU — the latest episode in a campaign by the…