Communist League in UK kicks off election campaign

Vol. 82/No. 18 - May 7, 2018

MANCHESTER, England — “We need something like that here,” Beryl Mahomet said April 5 after she looked at the Militant’s coverage of the successful strike by teachers in West Virginia. Hugo Wils, Communist League candidate for Tameside Council in Stalybridge…


Vol. 82/No. 18 - May 7, 2018

The article “Lessons of 1979-83 Grenada Revolution Debated in UK,” in issue no. 16 incorrectly said that Fidel Castro’s remarks about Bernard Coard’s “Pol Pot-type group” were presented at a rally in Havana. Castro’s remarks were presented in a 1985…

Lessons of 1979-83 Grenada Revolution debated in UK

Meeting participants rebut counterrevolutionary leader’s pretext: ‘It was a tragedy, we all made mistakes’
Vol. 82/No. 16 - April 23, 2018

LONDON — “No, I did not murder Maurice Bishop. No, I did not order his death,” said Bernard Coard in opening his talk to a March 27 meeting here. Coard was trying to rationalize his treacherous leadership 35 years ago…

Cuba’s role in defeat of apartheid debated at UK meeting

South African forces ‘broke their teeth’ against Cuban and Angolan forces in battle of Cuito Cuanavale
Vol. 82/No. 15 - April 16, 2018

LONDON — Sharply conflicting assessments of the historic victory won by Cuban and Angolan forces over the apartheid South African army at the battle of Cuito Cuanavale in 1988 were presented at a daylong conference here March 23. The event,…

UK meeting learns about revolution in Burkina Faso

Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018

LONDON — Some 200 people, mainly students, packed the Khalili lecture hall at London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies March 6. They had come to hear a panel presentation on “Sankara: World Bank & CFA Franc — the…

Workers celebrate victory in nine-month-long fight at Mears

Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018

MANCHESTER, England — After a nine-months battle, and more than 80 days of strike protests, the 180 housing maintenance workers employed by the contractor Mears won a 20 percent pay raise. Their main demand was to end the wage differential…

Communist League in UK says workers need to fight for power

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018

LONDON — Pamela Holmes, the Communist League candidate for mayor of the borough of Tower Hamlets, East London, took her communist campaign to an area where residents are demanding the borough council improve the safety of their homes. Their efforts…

Strikers from three companies hold joint rally in Manchester

Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018

MANCHESTER, England — Some 200 UNITE union members on strike here and their supporters joined forces Jan. 26, marching through the city center to a rally at the Mechanics’ Institute. Maintenance workers from Mears joined IT workers from Fujitsu and…

UK ‘guilt by association’ law is aimed at the working class

Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018

MANCHESTER, England — Fighters against frame-up “guilt by association” convictions here have picked up and broadened their campaign. In recent decades the capitalist rulers have used the 300-year-old joint enterprise law to railroad thousands of working people to prison for…

Survivors of Grenfell Tower fire demand housing, safety

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

LONDON — Over 2,000 people marched here Jan. 14 to mark seven months since the Grenfell Tower fire, which killed 71 people and left hundreds homeless. The fire was fed by cladding on the building’s exterior that was a known…