Iraq protests demand gov’t provide services, end to Tehran interference

Vol. 82/No. 35 - September 24, 2018
Protesters in Basra demand jobs, electricity, water and end to Iranian intervention and meddling in Iraq. Thousands were killed fighting Islamic State, now survivors face deepening crisis.

Thousands of working people continue to join protests in Basra and across southern Iraq against the government’s failure to provide basic necessities and the deadly consequences of the Iranian rulers’ military and political influence there. The actions follow years of…

Join fight against prison censorship of ‘Militant’ in Florida, Illinois!

Vol. 82/No. 35 - September 24, 2018

The fight continues against censorship of the Militant by prison authorities in Florida and at the federal facility in Greenville, Illinois. The issues posed are important for defending political rights won in centuries of hard-fought battles and the right of workers…

‘Advance the revolutionary mobilization of workers’

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018

The following statement was issued Sept. 3 by Róger Calero, Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor of New York. Ceaseless competition for markets, financial exploitation and profits among the bosses compels them to assault our wages, rights and working conditions,…

Veterans fight delays in gov’t disability benefits

Thousands die while appeals drag on and on
Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018
Wounded war veterans who get physical therapy wait at Brook Army Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, in 2007. Veterans Administration has denied benefits to half a million veterans.

Hundreds of thousands of veterans filing disability claim appeals wait years, and sometimes a lifetime, for the Department of Veterans Affairs to rule on their cases. One in 14 veterans dies before getting a decision — or any badly needed…

SWP: We need independent working-class political action

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018
Alyson Kennedy, left, SWP candidate for U.S. Senate from Texas, met Uber driver Jesus Alvarado on his doorstep in Grand Prairie, Aug. 20. He said he almost became homeless after losing his job in 2008. “Working people need to unify to fight bosses’ attacks,” Kennedy said.

Members and supporters of the Socialist Workers Party in the U.S. and sister Communist Leagues in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the U.K. build their political activity around reaching out to working people on their doorsteps in cities, towns and…

Steelworkers at ArcelorMittal, US Steel protest concession demands

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018
Steelworkers rally in Fairfield, Alabama, Aug. 30 against U.S. Steel demands for increase in health care costs and other concessions. Contract for over 30,000 ran out two days later.

FAIRFIELD, Ala. — “We don’t want this contract and we aren’t going to have it,” Lewis Parsons, who has worked at U.S. Steel’s Fairfield Works here for 28 years, told the Militant. “They have to come up with something better.…

Liberals disrupt Senate hearing in furor over Trump nomination

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018
Democratic senators and allied protesters shriek and disrupt first session of confirmation hearings for President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, September 4.

Liberal Democrats and media, and middle-class left groups seeking to bring down the administration of President Donald Trump are on a hysterical campaign to prevent his nominee for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, from being confirmed in Senate hearings that…

California protest demands ‘End solitary confinement!’

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018
Rally outside federal courthouse in San Francisco Aug. 21. Inside, four prisoners — Todd Ashker, Arturo Castellanos, George Franco and Sitawa Nantambu Jamaa — leaders of statewide fight against solitary confinement, attended meeting with prison authorities. Court had ordered prison officials to attend meeting to discuss more serious steps to dismantle abusive solitary conditions. Inset, Marie Levin, sister of Jamaa, speaks at rally.

SAN FRANCISCO — Supporters of the fight to end solitary confinement of inmates in California state prisons rallied outside the federal courthouse here Aug. 21. Their action was in solidarity with four prisoners — Todd Ashker, Arturo Castellanos, George Franco…