Indonesia: Teen jailed for abortion wins her freedom

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018
Protest at Jambi, Indonesia, prosecutor’s office July 26 demanding release of Wa, teenager imprisoned for having an abortion. Signs says, “The victim needs protection, not punishment.”

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — Women’s rights advocates in Indonesia have spearheaded a successful campaign to overturn the July 19 conviction and six-month jail term of a 15-year-old girl under that country’s highly restrictive abortion laws. The girl, known as Wa,…

Free Ukraine director on hunger strike from Siberia jail!

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018

Oleg Sentsov, an internationally known Ukrainian filmmaker imprisoned in Siberia for his defense of Ukrainian Crimea, has been on a hunger strike for more than 110 days in the Russian penal colony Polar Bear. In a letter to his cousin…

Washington state teachers strike over pay, conditions

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018

LONGVIEW, Wash. — Members of the Longview Education Association went on strike Aug. 23 as the school board here has refused to grant the wage increases teachers are demanding. “This is a union town. We have had firefighters, longshore workers…

New Zealand bus drivers walk out over low pay, safety

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018
Bus drivers, members of FIRST Union, carried out one-day strike against Go Bus. They picketed transport center in Hamilton, New Zealand, Aug. 14, demanding equal pay for same work.

HAMILTON, New Zealand — Sixty bus drivers, members of FIRST Union, picketed the central city transport center here Aug. 14 as part of a daylong strike against Go Bus. The workers are demanding 20 New Zealand dollars and 55 cents…

Grenada Day participants hunger for revolutionary books

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018
Hundreds attend Grenada Day in Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 26. Inset, Socialist Workers Party supporter Gale Shangold, right, shows fairgoers Maurice Bishop Speaks, with speeches by central leader of 1979-83 revolution in Grenada.

NEW YORK — Many of the hundreds of participants at the annual Grenada Day festival in Brooklyn here were hungry for books by revolutionary leaders Maurice Bishop, Thomas Sankara, Malcolm X and others. Socialist Workers Party members and supporters fanned…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018

September 20, 1993 NEW YORK — Cargo handlers and ticket, passenger, and reservation agents at Alitalia Airlines went on strike September 5 in response to a brutal company assault. On September 2, Alitalia broke off negotiations with the 308 workers…


Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018

Need cultural revolution! The more I read the Militant and get a greater understanding of its motives, political agenda, etc., the more I value those who have sacrificed, died or gone to prison to further the cause of the socialist…

The history of the belated, bloody birth of US imperialism

Vol. 82/No. 34 - September 17, 2018
In 1898 Washington seized Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines and Guam from Spanish rulers, becoming the victor in world’s first imperialist war. Above, U.S. invasion force with bayonets drawn are ready to defend their camp in Puerto Rico, which remains a U.S. colony to this day.

The excerpt below is taken from a 1935 essay by George Novack that appears in America’s Revolutionary Heritage, one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for September. Novack explains why U.S. financial capital came late to rule the roost in…

US, Turkish rulers clash over course in Mideast

SWP: 'Stand with working people in Turkey'
Vol. 82/No. 33 - September 3, 2018
Turkish government has let U.S. forces use Incirlik base in Adana, Turkey, above, for decades. But disputes between U.S. and Turkish governments have heated up in wake of Syrian civil war.

Sharpening disputes between the propertied rulers in the U.S. and Turkey over their conflicting economic, political and military interests in Syria and more broadly in the region lie behind the current trade sanctions being imposed back and forth between the…

SWP: Speak out against bosses, gov’t attacks, abuse

Vol. 82/No. 33 - September 3, 2018
Campaigning door to door on Chicago's South Side Aug. 2, Laura Anderson, right, SWP candidate for Illinois lieutenant governor, met Alice Goodrun, a retired teacher, who got Militant subscription and Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power.

Members and supporters of the Socialist Workers Party in the U.S. and sister Communist Leagues in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the U.K. are stepping up discussions with workers on doorsteps and in living rooms in cities, towns and rural…