SWP drive expands reach of ‘Militant,’ books, fund

Vol. 83/No. 46 - December 16, 2019
SWP member George Chalmers, right, discusses victory by family of Rodney Reed winning stay of execution with bricklayer Paul Young at his home in Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 23. Young got Militant subscription, copy of The Clintons’ Anti-Working-Class Record book.

As the Socialist Workers Party drive to expand the readership of the Militant and books by revolutionary leaders of the working class enters its final week, party members are finding interest in the need to build a working-class movement independent…

Protests in Chile demand end to attacks by gov’t, capitalist rulers

Vol. 83/No. 46 - December 16, 2019
Union contingent of Walmart workers at Oct. 23 march in Santiago, Chile, part of nationwide general strike protesting low wages, woefully inadequate pensions and health care.

Pro-business pundits used to call Chile the “Latin American tiger,” which they attributed to its rulers’ embrace of the capitalist free market, “fiscal responsibility” and openness to imperialist penetration. Eduardo Frei, president in much of the 1990s, even privatized the…

Communist League in UK: ‘Jew-hatred is deadly threat to the working class’

Vol. 83/No. 46 - December 16, 2019
Jonathan Silberman, Communist League candidate for Tottenham in U.K., speaks Dec. 2 at pre-election candidates forum of 40 people at Turkish Cypriot Community Association, along with candidates from Labour, Liberal Democrats and Conservatives. “We need to build an independent working class movement like in the Cuban Revolution,” he said.

LONDON— Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn’s handling of anti-Semitism makes him “unfit for high office” writes Ephraim Mirvis, the U.K.’s chief rabbi, in the Times of London, weeks before Corbyn faces Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the country’s parliamentary election,…

French rulers expand military intervention into West Africa

Vol. 83/No. 46 - December 16, 2019

French ground troops are being deployed to Burkina Faso. This is the first major dispatch of imperialist troops to that West African country, an attempt to shore up a weakening capitalist regime in a region racked by instability. The deployment…

CN rail workers ‘strike for safety’ won broad backing

Vol. 83/No. 46 - December 16, 2019
More than 50 Teamster rail strikers picket Canadian National headquarters in Montreal Nov. 26 before tentative agreement was announced. Now debate over contract begins before vote.

MONTREAL — Following a Nov. 26 tentative agreement between Teamsters Canada Rail Conference officials and Canadian National Railway bosses, the 3,200 CN conductors, including yardmen and yardmasters, returned to work Nov. 27 after an eight-day “strike for safety.” The workers…

Australia: Women make gains in right to choose abortion

Vol. 83/No. 46 - December 16, 2019

SYDNEY — In a gain for women’s rights, a new bill decriminalizing abortion passed the New South Wales state parliament Sept. 26. The vote followed a rally of 500 held here Sept. 14 in support of women’s right to choose…

‘The making of a union bureaucrat’

From ‘The Turn to Industry: Forging a Proletarian Party,’ new book from Pathfinder Press
Vol. 83/No. 46 - December 16, 2019

The following is a chapter excerpted from The Turn to Industry: Forging a Proletarian Party by Socialist Workers Party National Secretary Jack Barnes. The Militant ran the new book’s introduction in its Nov. 11 issue, and will continue to publish…

Over 10,000 farmers in Germany protest against gov’t restrictions

Vol. 83/No. 46 - December 16, 2019

Over 10,000 farmers from all over Germany drove more than 5,000 tractors in a 6-mile-long convoy crawling through the streets of Berlin Nov. 26 to protest government plans to sharply restrict the use of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer. Farmers also…