Fidel: ‘Without Che’s ideas, communism can’t be built’

Vol. 83/No. 15 - April 15, 2019

The excerpt below is from Socialism and Man in Cuba by Ernesto Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. The French edition is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for April. The piece is from “Che’s Ideas Are Absolutely Relevant Today,”…

End solitary confinement! Voting rights for ex-prisoners!

Vol. 83/No. 15 - April 15, 2019

The following statement was released April 3 by Seth Galinsky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New York City Public Advocate.  The capitalist rulers’ so-called criminal justice system and its prisons have absolutely nothing to do with “rehabilitation.” They have everything…

Chicago hospital workers rally to protest short staffing, low pay

Vol. 83/No. 15 - April 15, 2019
Hospital workers and supporters demonstrate outside Mt. Sinai Hospital in Chicago March 20 for higher wages, more staffing and to back nurses’ fight to organize a union.

CHICAGO — Some 200 hospital workers and supporters held a rally outside Mt. Sinai Hospital here March 20 to press demands for higher wages, more staffing and to support nurses who are trying to organize a union. Workers came from…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 83/No. 15 - April 15, 2019

April 18, 1994 Battle lines were drawn one minute past midnight April 6 across the United States as more than 75,000 Teamsters left trucks, loading docks, mechanical shops and offices for picket duty when a five-day extension of their national…


Vol. 83/No. 15 - April 15, 2019

All workers deserve licenses The April 1 Militant article “New York Protests Demand Gov’t Give Immigrants Driver’s Licenses” was timely. This is an important fight along the road to uniting all workers in this country. You also mentioned that this…

Uber drivers fight bosses’ pay cuts across California

‘Uber and cab drivers need a union to fight back’
Vol. 83/No. 15 - April 15, 2019
March 25 protest outside Uber headquarters in Redondo Beach during 25-hour drivers’ strike against bosses’ 25 percent pay cut. Actions also took place in San Francisco, San Diego.

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. — Uber drivers held a 25-hour strike March 25 to demand the company reverse a 25 percent per mile pay cut it imposed on drivers in Los Angeles and parts of Orange counties. Two hundred of the…

Workers, farmers face social disaster in floods

Catastrophe is product of workings of capitalism
Vol. 83/No. 14 - April 8, 2019
Volunteers from McCook, Nebraska, organize “flood buckets” of supplies to take to areas battered by flooding. Government officials had left those hard hit to fend for themselves.

LINCOLN, Neb. — The government on all levels has left farmers, ranchers and other working people to fend for themselves in the face of flooding that destroyed crops, silos full of grain and livestock on hundreds of thousands of acres…

Protests grow after cop who killed Antwon Rose gets off

Vol. 83/No. 14 - April 8, 2019
University, high school students walk out March 25, protest acquittal of East Pittsburgh cop Michael Rosfeld.

PITTSBURGH — Hundreds walked out of high schools and colleges or took time off work to join almost daily protests in Pittsburgh after a jury acquitted East Pittsburgh cop Michael Rosfeld in the June 19 killing of African-American teenager Antwon…

Mueller report derails liberals’ witch hunt against Trump

Vol. 83/No. 14 - April 8, 2019

After nearly two-years “investigating” President Donald Trump — cheered on by a relentless “resistance” of Democratic liberals, NeverTrump Republicans and the entire middle-class left — special counsel and former FBI Director Robert Mueller submitted his final report. He was forced…

SWP to launch drive for books, ‘Militant,’ funds

Vol. 83/No. 14 - April 8, 2019

The Socialist Workers Party is launching a seven-week campaign to broaden interest in the party’s program and activity among working people. It will be centered on expanding the readership of revolutionary books and the Militant, and will run from April…