Bloody war in Ethiopia rages over control of nation’s riches

Vol. 84/No. 48 - December 7, 2020

A bloody war in northern Ethiopia has continued into a third week as federal forces unleash a heavy bombardment against those led by the regional government of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. Working people bear the cost of the fighting…

Cuban Revolution sets an example for working people

Vol. 84/No. 48 - December 7, 2020

Millions of working people in the U.S. and worldwide face an economic, social and health crisis caused by the ruling capitalist families who exploit and oppress us in their greed for profits. They run a for-profit private health industry that…

Join fight to end US rulers’ economic war against Cuba!

Vol. 84/No. 48 - December 7, 2020
In 1960, workers’ initiatives nationalizing U.S. and other capitalist firms were backed by Cuban revolutionary government. Havana May Day banner in 1961 declared “Workers in power.”

“We’ve had 12 U.S. presidents enforcing the blockade,” said José Ramón Cabañas, Cuba’s ambassador to the United States. “This is a state policy,” not one associated “with a particular president,” as is sometimes said. “Its main purpose is to overthrow…

Victory! Indiana prison officials reverse ban on the ‘Militant’

Vol. 84/No. 48 - December 7, 2020

A victory has been won in defense of the right of Militant subscriber Kevin “Rashid” Johnson to receive the paper at the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility in Indiana. Johnson, a leader of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party, had written…

Fight for gov’t public works program to create jobs now!

Gov’t lockdowns deepen jobs, wages, health crisis
Vol. 84/No. 47 - November 30, 2020
Some 8,500 families, 17 times more than last year, waited up to 12 hours in huge lines to get turkey, canned goods and other food for Thanksgiving at North Texas Food Bank in Dallas.

Nine months into a deadly pandemic, workers, farmers and small proprietors of all kinds face a deep and intertwined crisis of jobs, wages, safety and health. Millions are without jobs. Food banks are overrun, especially heading into Thanksgiving. The few…

Working people need our own party, a labor party

Vol. 84/No. 47 - November 30, 2020
Socialist Workers Party 2020 candidates set example for working people, joining labor struggles, including, above, striking shipyard workers in Bath, Maine. Inset, SWP presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy, left, talks with dispatcher Janet Sanchez at D.C. truckers’ protest against low rates, onerous regulations May 13. Workers need to build a labor party to advance our struggles.

Working people need our own political party, a labor party, that we can use to defend our interests, independent from and politically opposed to the Democrats and Republicans, the twin parties of the capitalist rulers. Alternating in office for decades,…

Teachers union supports SWP disclosure fight in Washington

Vol. 84/No. 47 - November 30, 2020
Members of AFT Local 1789 organized a walkout in 2016 during contract negotiations at Seattle Central Colleges. The local’s executive board wrote to support Socialist Workers Party’s fight to stop Washington state officials from publicly disclosing names and addresses of SWP electors. The union has been fighting its own battle against attempts by a notorious anti-labor group to use state disclosure laws to gain access to personal information on campus workers.

The Socialist Workers Party’s recent success in preventing disclosure of the names and addresses of its presidential electors in Washington state continues to hold. And additional support for the fight to prevent disclosure keeps coming in. On Nov. 9 Annette…

Thousands in Indonesia protest new anti-labor law

Vol. 84/No. 47 - November 30, 2020
Hundreds of thousands demonstrated in Indonesia to protest new anti-labor law passed Oct. 5. Sign at left reads, “Reject the Omnibus Law,” which makes it easier for bosses to fire workers, avoid paying holiday pay.

SYDNEY — Hundreds of thousands of workers and students took to the streets across Indonesia Oct. 5 to protest the passage of anti-labor legislation that day. Dubbed the “Omnibus Law,” it amends more than 70 existing laws, including ones that…