25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 86/No. 34 - September 19, 2022

September 22, 1997 The statement below was issued by Janet Post, Socialist Workers candidate for Mayor of Miami, and Rollande Girard, candidate for Miami Commissioner, District 1. The Socialist Workers candidates condemn the September 4 bombings of three hotels and…

Labor actions spread in UK as inflation, capitalist crisis grow

Vol. 86/No. 33 - September 12, 2022
Public and Commercial Services unionists bring solidarity to picket of train drivers in Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen during one-day walkout in Manchester Aug. 13.

MANCHESTER, England — The drive by bosses and their government in the U.K. to put the burden of the capitalist crisis on the backs of working people is fueling union actions across industry, as well as widespread discussion among workers…

Communist League candidates in Canada push to get on ballot

Vol. 86/No. 33 - September 12, 2022
Félix Vincent Ardea, left, Communist League candidate for Quebec National Assembly in Marquette, and Gabrielle Prosser, SWP candidate for governor of Minnesota, join picket line in solidarity with striking maritime workers at Ocean Towing in Sorel, Quebec, Aug. 16.

MONTREAL — The Communist League candidates in the Oct. 3 Quebec provincial elections — Katy LeRougetel and Félix Vincent Ardea — are winning a hearing from working people who are looking for a road forward in the face of today’s…

Join fall drive to get out the ‘Militant’

Vol. 86/No. 33 - September 12, 2022

In two weeks members of the Socialist Workers Party and the Communist Leagues in Australia, Canada and the U.K. will launch an ambitious drive to further expand the reach of the Militant. Coupled with the bold use of SWP election…

Gibsons win another round!

Vol. 86/No. 33 - September 12, 2022

The Ohio Supreme Court in a 4-3 decision announced Aug. 30 that it had rejected hearing an appeal by Oberlin College and former Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo from lower court judgments holding them liable for a malicious race-baiting slander…

LA unionists bring solidarity to Corn Nuts strikers in Fresno

Vol. 86/No. 33 - September 12, 2022
Bakery workers on strike against Corn Nuts in Fresno. They’ve won solidarity, including Aug. 27 visit from BCTGM members who struck Rich’s Jon Donaire Desserts earlier this year in L.A.

FRESNO, Calif. — Striking bakery workers at Corn Nuts got an important boost of solidarity when nine fellow Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers union members from Los Angeles traveled here Aug. 27 to join their picket line. “You…

Join Labor Day actions! Solidarity with union battles!

Vol. 86/No. 33 - September 12, 2022
Mental health workers strike Kaiser San Francisco hospital Aug. 15.

Unions are organizing Labor Day marches, rallies and picnics around Sept. 5 across the country, an important opportunity to spread the word about union struggles and build solidarity that is vital to bringing home victories. Workers today face a wide…

‘Conspiracy’ frame-up in Michigan is blow to rights

Vol. 86/No. 33 - September 12, 2022
Michigan frame-up trial found Barry Croft, seated left, and Adam Fox, next to him, guilty of “conspiracy” Aug. 23. In attack on constitutional rights, FBI undercover agents entrapped them. Rulers’ political police use precedents like this to frame up working-class fighters.

The retrial of two men ensnared by FBI agents in an alleged “plot” to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer ended in their conviction Aug. 23 on frame-up conspiracy charges. The scheme never came close to being acted on. The government…

Protests demand: ‘End US embargo against Cuba!’

Vol. 86/No. 33 - September 12, 2022
March by New York-New Jersey Cuba Sí coalition in New York’s Harlem neighborhood Aug. 28, demands complete end to U.S. rulers’ economic, financial and trade embargo against Cuba.

NEW YORK — Some 80 people participated in a spirited march and rally in East Harlem Aug. 27, protesting the over 60-year U.S. embargo of Cuba. The rally met at the First Spanish Methodist Church, known as the People’s Church,…