Are there too many babies? The myth of overpopulation

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
Proponents of Malthusian “overpopulation” hysteria over the decades. Below, 1967 ad in New York Times by Campaign to Check the Population Explosion. Above, pro-eugenics contest judged “human stock” at 1925 Kan-sas fair. Attacks on working people like these are being raised again today by liberal prophets of doom.

Howls of impending doom and gloom spread through the liberal capitalist media after the United Nations announced the world population hit 8 billion in November. Many self-appointed population “experts” have determined this means the planet has reached its maximum “carrying…

‘Solidarity, internationalism at heart of Cuba’s revolution’

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
Cuban doctors and some patients at Coyah center in Guinea, Jan. 19, 2015. After 12,000 volunteered, Cuba chose the 256 medical personnel to go to West Africa to fight Ebola.

Red Zone: Cuba and the Battle Against Ebola in West Africa by Enrique Ubieta is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for November. Ubieta has written about the work of Cuba’s internationalist doctors and nurses in some of the…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022

December 8, 1997 U.S. hands off Iraq! Lift the embargo and get all the “inspectors” out of the country! End the U-2 spy flights and the “no-fly” zones that violate the country’s sovereign air space! That’s what anyone opposed to…

Special ‘Militant’ ‘tax rebate’ fund donations hit $5,020

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022

“Enclosed is a check for $700 for the Militant. We appreciate the invitation made in the paper to contribute California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s contemptuous bribe aimed at corralling some votes for the Democrats in the 2022 election.” This note came…

Antifa assault is blow to fight for women’s emancipation

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022

NEW YORK — A peaceful demonstration by women’s rights campaigners critical of gender ideology was attacked by antifa thugs and so-called trans activists here Nov. 14. Police arrested nine attackers after they surged against police barricades and hurled threats against…

US railroad unions set Dec. 9 strike deadline

Rail workers take on years of boss attacks, disdain
Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
Obreros ferroviarios en Lincoln, Nebraska, 2 nov. Jakob Forsgren, segundo de la derecha, presidente de Local 1320 de BMWE. Él y el conductor Lance Anton están circulando mensaje de solidaridad para trabajadores escolares en Canadá en lucha común contra leyes antisindicales.

LINCOLN, Neb. — A class showdown looms today on the railroads. The largest rail union — the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers union, or SMART-TD — which organizes over 30,000 conductors, brakemen, yardmen and some of the locomotive…

Defend Cuba-Puerto Rico solidarity mural in Harlem!

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022

NEW YORK — “No matter how many times the right wing defaces this mural, we will restore it,” Marina Ortiz told a couple dozen people at a speak-out in front of the “Dos Alas” (two wings) mural here in the…

Three more face prison in FBI frame-up in Michigan

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022

In a blow to crucial constitutional rights, three more of the 14 men entrapped by FBI agents in an alleged 2020 “plot” to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for her imposition of vaccine mandates have been framed up and convicted…

Book fair in Iraqi Kurdistan reflects regional struggles

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022

SULAYMANIYAH, Kurdistan Region, Iraq — Since Nov. 17, thousands have flocked to the Sulaymaniyah International Book Fair, which is being held here for the fourth time. It features books on language, history, politics, science and religion, as well as novels,…

Ontario school workers debate vote on gov’t contract offer

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
School workers and supporters rally in Toronto Nov. 4 after CUPE members walked off job, forcing Ontario government to back down, rescinding draconian anti-strike law. This set an example for unionists everywhere facing gov’t threats against use of union power to support workers’ interests.

TORONTO — The Canadian Union of Public Employees, representing 55,000 Ontario education workers, agreed Nov. 20 to present a proposed contract from the Ontario provincial government to the workers for decision and called off a strike set to begin the…