50 years after US-backed coup in Chile, what are lessons for today?

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro is greeted by El Teniente copper miners, Chile, Nov. 24, 1971.

On Sept. 11, 1973, Chilean Gen. Augusto Pinochet and the military brass backed by Washington overthrew the elected government of President Salvador Allende in blood, dealing a blow to working people that lasted decades. On the 50th anniversary of the…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

September 28, 1998 Working-class fighters should throw their support behind the Dec. 10 national day of protests to demand the release of 15 Puerto Rican political prisoners held in U.S. jails. The Puerto Rican patriots were given maximum sentences —…

Help get out the ‘Militant,’ books on revolutionary struggle

Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023

Join us getting the Militant  out as widely as possible, an irreplaceable source of news on unfolding working-class struggles. Every week the paper gets out the truth about union battles like the strike by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and…

SWP campaign takes working-class program to March on Washington

Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023
Róger Calero, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New York City Council, Joanne Kuniansky, center, running for New Jersey State Senate, discuss party’s program with participants at march.

WASHINGTON — Over 5,000 marchers turned out here Aug. 26 to mark the 60th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington. The action was organized by Al Sharpton’s National Action Network and the Drum Major Institute led by the family…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023

September 14, 1998 DURBAN, South Africa — The 12th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, which includes 113 governments, mostly from semicolonial nations oppressed by imperialism, convened here Aug. 29. Cuban president Fidel Castro arrived Sept. 1 to take part in…

Beijing-led BRICS, US rulers stoke new conflicts

Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023

The governments of the BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — set up as a coalition to challenge Washington’s economic and political supremacy, met in Johannesburg, South Africa, Aug. 22-24 to decide their next steps. Their…

Capitalist crises pose necessity of socialist revolution in the US

Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023
New York Stock Exchange, Oct. 19, 1987, onset of U.S. financial crash. Similar crash struck world markets in 2007. Crises are built into the workings of capitalism, driving bosses and their governments to push to salvage their profit system on the backs of working people.

The French edition of  Is Socialist Revolution in the US Possible? by Mary-Alice Waters is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for September. It features talks the Socialist Workers Party leader gave as part of an extended political debate…

UAW workers at ‘Big Three’ prepare for Sept. 14 walkout

Autoworkers vote 97% to authorize strike action
Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023
United Auto Workers members ‘practice picketing’ near a Stellantis factory in Detroit, Aug. 23. Union demands big wage raise, end to divisive two-tiers, restoring cost-of-living protection.

CHICAGO — Members of the United Auto Workers union voted by 97% to strike if their demands are not met by the bosses of the Big Three — Ford, General Motors and Stellantis. The union represents 150,000 workers at these…

Defend right to free speech! Protest attacks by Democrats

Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023
Panelists at New York forum, Aug. 26. From left, John Studer, Socialist Workers Party; Manuel Meléndez Lavandero, Comités de la Resistencia Boricua; Oronde Shakur, African People’s Socialist Party. Inset, Milagros Rivera, Cuba Soldarity Committee in Puerto Rico, participating via video link.

NEW YORK — In several cities around the country the Socialist Workers Party has helped initiate panels hosted by the Militant Labor Forum to bring groups together to speak out in defense of constitutional rights. Regardless of differing points of…

Cuba trip to Angola, South Africa marks overthrow of apartheid

Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023
Some 800 people listened to talk by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel at Freedom Park in Pretoria, South Africa, Aug. 23. Event celebrated Cuban Revolution’s role in overthrow of apartheid rule.

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel’s recent trip to Angola, Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa highlighted the Cuban Revolution’s decades of solidarity with — and participation in — the fight against colonial rule and imperialist exploitation in Africa.  Carolina Cerqueira, president of…