Disaster in Turkey, Syria fueled by capitalist greed

Profit-driven housing, rulers’ wars set stage
Vol. 87/No. 8 - February 27, 2023
Volunteers in Harem, in northwestern Syria, carry out victims of earthquake on Feb. 6.

As of Feb. 14, the deadliest toll from an earthquake in Turkey in almost a century reached some 35,000 with the bodies of countless others still buried in the rubble. More than 5,500 died so far in northern Syria. Hundreds…

Cemetery workers strike over staff cuts, wage raises

Vol. 87/No. 8 - February 27, 2023

MONTREAL — Some 40 outside and office workers on strike at Montreal’s Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery held a joint action at the office of the Catholic Archbishop of Montreal here Jan. 26. The Notre Dame Parish runs the cemetery. Patrick Chartrand, a…

New Jersey sanitation workers strike is ‘solid’

Vol. 87/No. 8 - February 27, 2023

CAMDEN, N.J. — “Now they’re playing hardball,” Ivan James, Teamsters Local 115 shop steward, told the Militant, describing how Waste Management of New Jersey bosses are conducting their negotiations with the union.  One hundred thirty sanitation workers at the yard…

Thousands protest repression in Iran, debate road forward

Vol. 87/No. 8 - February 27, 2023
Thousands march in Washington, D.C., demand end of repression by reactionary regime in Iran Feb. 11, part of international day of protests, including in Chicago and Los Angeles.

WASHINGTON — Several thousand people rallied here Feb. 11, part of an international day of action to protest the ongoing repression by the reactionary bourgeois-clerical regime in Iran. Participants came from across the East Coast and from as far away…

Cuba’s working people made a socialist revolution, set example for all

Vol. 87/No. 8 - February 27, 2023
Fidel Castro greets residents of Colón, Cuba, Jan. 7, 1959, as Rebel Army forces head to Havana after victory, to reach out to the tens of thousands of toilers who wanted to join the revolution.

Episodes of the Cuban Revolutionary War, 1956-58 by Ernesto Che Guevara is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for February. Guevara, at Fidel Castro’s side, became one of the central leaders of the world-changing 1959 Cuban Revolution. He describes…

Working people in Ukraine fight new war moves from Moscow

Vol. 87/No. 8 - February 27, 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin is launching a large-scale new assault in the east of Ukraine on the one-year anniversary of his regime’s invasion. Despite suffering multiple battlefield defeats at the hands of Ukraine’s military and its many working-class volunteer fighters,…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 87/No. 8 - February 27, 2023

March 2, 1998 William Jefferson Clinton, in his second inaugural speech proclaimed the United States “the world’s indispensable nation.” The message is that Washington — acting unilaterally and relying more and more on military force — will target for brutal…

Join our fight against Florida prison ban on the ‘Militant’!

Vol. 87/No. 8 - February 27, 2023

Prison officials at Florida’s privately run Blackwater River Correctional Facility banned an issue of the Militant  on Feb. 1. Their reason? According to the rejection notice sent to the paper, they allege that two front-page articles in issue no. 4…