Florida voting rights victory is gain for the working class!

Vol. 82/No. 45 - December 3, 2018
Oct. 27 actions took place across Florida for Amendment 4. Measure won by 64 percent, restoring voting rights to over a million former prisoners, inspiring fights in other states.

The following statement was issued Nov. 21 by John Studer, organizer of the Socialist Workers Party national campaign. The elections in Florida were the most important for working people in the U.S. this year for one reason — the amendment…

‘Angola experience had a big impact on consciousness in Cuba’

Vol. 82/No. 45 - December 3, 2018
Members of Cuban women’s antiaircraft artillery unit, May 1989, after return from Angola following defeat of South African invasion. “Cuban volunteers on internationalist missions,” said Zayas, “are learning about capitalism, about the exploitation of man by man.”

Below is an excerpt from Soldier of the Cuban Revolution: From the Cane Fields of Oriente to General of the Revolutionary Armed Forces by Luis Alfonso Zayas. As a teenager Zayas joined the July 26 Revolutionary Movement led by Fidel…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 45 - December 3, 2018

December 6, 1993 Some 480 soda ash miners fought off a union-busting probe by General Chemical Co. at its southwest Wyoming mine. During the course of their four-month strike, members of United Steelworkers of America Local 15320 stood up to…


Vol. 82/No. 45 - December 3, 2018

Prisoners’ rights the civil rights of our era! There’s an article in the Nov. 12 issue about the ‘SWP: Push back limits on franchise! Restore voting rights to ex-prisoners!’ that I really enjoyed reading about and hope to see more…

‘Uncle Sam is all over the world, but won’t act for our rights here’

Vol. 82/No. 44 - November 26, 2018
Malcolm X speaks to young people in Selma, Alabama, Feb. 4, 1965, during civil rights battles there. Listen to what everybody else says, but come to a decision for yourself, Malcolm advised.

Below is an excerpt from Malcolm X Talks to Young People, one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for November. This speech, titled “See for Yourself, Listen for Yourself, Think for Yourself,” was given to high-school-age youth from McComb, Mississippi,…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 44 - November 26, 2018

November 29, 1993 SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — At 7:00 a.m. November 18, some 21,000 flight attendants struck American Airlines, the largest U.S. carrier. American Airlines’ operations were paralyzed in the opening hours of the strike, according to flight attendant…


Vol. 82/No. 44 - November 26, 2018

Stop prison abuse! As you know, Pennsylvania prison mail now goes through Smart Communications in Florida. I received a letter from my mother tonight that took 18 days to get here! I would like to read your Sept. 17 issue…