Working class must lead fight to end Jew-hatred

Vol. 87/No. 43 - November 20, 2023

Statement by Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Texas, Nov. 8. In the imperialist era Jew-hatred, which has existed for millennia, becomes an essential tool for the ruling capitalist class to maintain power as working-class struggles…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 87/No. 43 - November 20, 2023

November 23, 1998 MONTREAL — During the first week of their speaking tour in Canada that started November 1, two young Cubans, Juan Carlos Frómeta and Raiza Rodríguez, met with more than 200 students on campuses here, and 50 delegates…

Workers need our own foreign policy

Vol. 87/No. 42 - November 13, 2023

Statement by Lea Sherman, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey General Assembly, Nov. 1. The one thing all the Democratic and Republican candidates for president share in common is a foreign policy based on defense of the economic and…

US rulers launch Palmer raids, seek to crush Communist parties

Vol. 87/No. 42 - November 13, 2023
Mass arrests of members of communist movement, union fighters during notorious raids carried out by Democrat Attorney General Mitchell Palmer. Special targets were newly formed Communist parties. Up to 10,000 worker militants were detained, many deported.

Revolutionary Continuity: Birth of the Communist Movement, 1918-1922 by Farrell Dobbs is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for November. The excerpt from “New capitalist repressions” explains how the U.S. rulers trampled on constitutional freedoms to crush union militancy…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 87/No. 42 - November 13, 2023

November 16, 1998 A series of demonstrations Nov.7-21 will demand the release of Puerto Rican fighters locked up in U.S. prisons and call for Puerto Rican independence. The actions are part of an upturn in the campaign to free the…

Fidel Castro on Grenada leader: ‘Bishop was a true revolutionary’

Vol. 87/No. 41 - November 6, 2023
Maurice Bishop and Fidel Castro at 1980 May Day rally in Cuba. Castro said Grenada Revolution was ”a true symbol of independence and progress in the Caribbean” worthy of support.

Maurice Bishop Speaks: The Grenada Revolution and Its Overthrow, 1979-83 is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for November. Inspired by the Cuban Revolution, Bishop mobilized working people to take political power in a popular revolution in 1979 on…

Vote SWP! Working class needs to take political power

Vol. 87/No. 41 - November 6, 2023

Statement released Oct. 25 by John Studer, Socialist Workers Party national campaign director. Workers should cast their vote for the Socialist Workers Party Nov. 7. More importantly, they should look to the SWP’s program for a working-class road to defeat…