Are there too many babies? The myth of overpopulation

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
Proponents of Malthusian “overpopulation” hysteria over the decades. Below, 1967 ad in New York Times by Campaign to Check the Population Explosion. Above, pro-eugenics contest judged “human stock” at 1925 Kan-sas fair. Attacks on working people like these are being raised again today by liberal prophets of doom.

Howls of impending doom and gloom spread through the liberal capitalist media after the United Nations announced the world population hit 8 billion in November. Many self-appointed population “experts” have determined this means the planet has reached its maximum “carrying…

Workers in Europe strike, protest for raises to cover inflation

Vol. 86/No. 44 - November 28, 2022
In Bulgaria, thousands of protesters, organized by country’s two largest unions, rallied in Sofia Nov. 11, demand raises to combat inflation. Sign says, “Inflation is rising, our wages are not.”

Rising prices on basic necessities like food, fuel and housing worldwide have hit working people hard, leading to strikes and other protest actions in countries across Europe this week. Thousands took to the streets in France Nov. 10 to demand…

Capitalist crisis fuels inflation as production, trade stagnate

Vol. 86/No. 43 - November 21, 2022
Over 45,000 march in Madrid Nov. 3, called by Spain’s two largest union federations, General Union of Workers and Workers’ Commissions. They demanded wage raises to keep up with prices. Banner says, “Working people should not have to pay for the crisis: wages or conflict.”

The worldwide capitalist crisis is hitting working people hard, with increasing indications that we face an extended period of stagflation — a combination of continued rising prices with falling capitalist production, trade and workers’ jobs. Soaring prices, especially on basic…

1962 ‘Missile’ Crisis: Cuban toilers beat back US threats

Vol. 86/No. 41 - November 7, 2022
Demonstrations broke out across U.S. and worldwide after Kennedy administration’s announcement of naval blockade against Cuba’s socialist revolution, which took world to brink of nuclear war. Above, protest outside United Nations in New York against threat of Washington invasion of Cuba. Inset, Cuban militia members prepare to defend their revolution arms in hand. Slogan on truck door says, “Standing firm with Fidel.”

Sixty years ago the U.S. rulers pushed the world to the brink of nuclear war in what is widely known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. Many books have been written presenting Washington’s and Moscow’s point of view on what occurred.…

Help spread the word about the SWP campaign!

Vol. 86/No. 41 - November 7, 2022
Deborah Liatos, right, SWP candidate for U.S. Congress, talks with people at rally of thousands in Los Angeles Oct. 1 protesting death of Mahsa Amini in Iran after arrest by “morality” police.

With elections less than two weeks away, Socialist Workers Party candidates and campaign supporters are stepping up efforts to reach working people with the party’s program. Campaigners are bringing solidarity to strike picket lines, talking to workers and farmers door…

Inflation, slow-up in production deepen crisis for working people

Vol. 86/No. 40 - October 31, 2022

Rising prices are having a devastating impact on workers’ lives in the U.S., across the advanced capitalist world and, especially, in the semi-colonial countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, with no end in sight. The capitalist crisis increasingly involves…

Students, oil workers join protests against Iran’s rulers

Vol. 86/No. 39 - October 24, 2022
Strike by oil workers in Asaluyeh, southern Iran, Oct. 10. “Oil workers will not be silent and passive in the face of the suppression and killing of the people and will protest together and in unison with the people,” wrote Organizing Council of Oil Contract Workers.

In face of attacks by government thugs, protests have spread across Iran since the Sept. 16 death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman. She had been arrested three days earlier by the regime’s hated “morality police” for allegedly violating…

Soaring prices wreak havoc on working people worldwide

Vol. 86/No. 38 - October 17, 2022
Thousands protest ruinous inflation in Prague, Czech Republic, Sept. 28, one of several actions around the world demanding relief from the crushing impact of unfolding capitalist crisis.

Rising prices are wreaking havoc with the lives of working people and our families worldwide. Inflation reduces the value of our wages as we confront higher costs for food, fuel, housing and other essentials, and rising debts. Now we confront…

Workers in Tunisia protest inflation, food shortages

Vol. 86/No. 37 - October 10, 2022

Hundreds of working people in Tunisia protested in the capital Sept. 25 against rising prices and food shortages, amid a deepening capitalist political crisis engulfing the country. Demonstrators chanted, “We can’t support crazy price hikes,” and “Jobs, freedom and national…