Mood of gloom and doom pervades the ‘globalists’ at the Davos summit

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023

A mood of doom and gloom hovered over the gathering of some 2,700 bosses, bankers, speculators, government officials and meritocratic hangers-on at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Jan. 16-20. Underlying their despondency is the sharpening political and social…

Capitalist rulers in Europe mask depth of rising prices

Vol. 87/No. 4 - January 30, 2023
Thousands demonstrate in Paris Jan. 7 demanding higher wages to cover soaring prices and to protest President Emmanuel Macron’s plan to increase retirement age beyond 62 years.

The big-business media is hailing the slight drop in inflation rates in Europe last month as a sign that the capitalist rulers are getting price rises under control. But this masks the intolerable impact that decades-high levels continue to have…

Help ‘Militant’ win renewals, get new book out to workers

Vol. 87/No. 4 - January 30, 2023

Members and supporters of the Socialist Workers Party and Communist Leagues in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom are reaching out to the more than 1,300 persons who subscribed to the Militant  last fall. They will discuss the party’s program…

What is behind the rising tensions in the Balkans?

Vol. 87/No. 3 - January 16, 2023

As the nearly yearlong invasion of Ukraine by Moscow continues, rising tensions between Serbia, backed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Kosovo could lead to new fighting in the Balkans. The attempt by Russian President Vladimir Putin to stamp out…

Ohio workers at GM battery plant vote 710-16 to join UAW

Vol. 87/No. 1 - January 2, 2023

Workers at an electric vehicle battery factory near Warren, Ohio, overwhelmingly voted to join the United Auto Workers. The 710-16 vote, announced by the National Labor Relations Board Dec. 9, marks the first time workers have won union representation in…

Capitalist crisis fuels stagflation: prices rise as recession bites

Vol. 87/No. 1 - January 2, 2023
South African public workers protest in Pretoria Nov. 22 on “National Day of Action,” demanding 10% wage raise to cover rising prices. Similar actions are taking place worldwide.

With prices continuing to rise alongside growing numbers of layoffs, working people face the beginning of what could be an extended period of “stagflation” — a combination of increased prices and falling capitalist production, trade and jobs. The impact of…

Workers in China protest COVID-19 lockdowns

Vol. 86/No. 46 - December 12, 2022
Workers in China protest COVID-19 lockdowns

In unprecedented defiance of the Chinese government’s iron-fisted zero-COVID lockdowns, which have confined millions and left many hungry, demonstrations erupted across the country Nov. 26-27. This followed protests in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang province, the day before. After months of…

Are there too many babies? The myth of overpopulation

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
Proponents of Malthusian “overpopulation” hysteria over the decades. Below, 1967 ad in New York Times by Campaign to Check the Population Explosion. Above, pro-eugenics contest judged “human stock” at 1925 Kan-sas fair. Attacks on working people like these are being raised again today by liberal prophets of doom.

Howls of impending doom and gloom spread through the liberal capitalist media after the United Nations announced the world population hit 8 billion in November. Many self-appointed population “experts” have determined this means the planet has reached its maximum “carrying…

Workers in Europe strike, protest for raises to cover inflation

Vol. 86/No. 44 - November 28, 2022
In Bulgaria, thousands of protesters, organized by country’s two largest unions, rallied in Sofia Nov. 11, demand raises to combat inflation. Sign says, “Inflation is rising, our wages are not.”

Rising prices on basic necessities like food, fuel and housing worldwide have hit working people hard, leading to strikes and other protest actions in countries across Europe this week. Thousands took to the streets in France Nov. 10 to demand…