French auto workers strike over Renault plant closures

Vol. 84/No. 24 - June 22, 2020
Renault workers lead 1,000 autoworkers and their supporters in June 6 march to plant that bosses say they want to shutter. Lead banner says, “No to the closing of the Renault-Choisy factory after 70 years of existence.” Workers chanted, “We won’t move! Renault-Choisy is ours!”

Facing plant closings by the bosses at Renault, autoworkers in France are organizing strikes and protest rallies against company plans to eliminate 4,600 jobs nationwide. These actions have forced the company to back off  from some of the plant closings…

Demand freedom for Jalil Muntaqim now

Vol. 84/No. 23 - June 15, 2020

Former Black Panther Jalil Muntaqim, who has been imprisoned for 49 years, was rushed to the hospital from the Sullivan Correctional Facility in Fallsburg, New York, May 25 after testing positive for COVID-19. His blood oxygen level was at a…

Germany’s high court ruling accelerates EU coming apart

Vol. 84/No. 21 - June 1, 2020
German court bars EU from using Berlin’s funding to bail out impoverished governments like Italy and Spain. German rulers offer instead to help EU make grants, accompanied by austerity regimens. Above, Nov. 6, 2012, rally in Greece against EU-imposed cuts on wages, pensions.

The economic and social crisis of capitalism weighing on working people worldwide, accelerated by the way the capitalist governments have responded to the coronavirus outbreak with far-reaching lockdowns on industry and trade, has greatly hastened the coming apart of the…

Victory! Florida prison officials ban on ‘Militant’ is overturned

Vol. 84/No. 20 - May 25, 2020

The Militant was informed May 12 by Florida’s Department of Corrections that the prison ban on issue no. 13 had been overturned. This victory is important for the rights of both the working-class paper and of prisoners. After receiving numerous…

NY cops turned loose on political rallies, people ‘gathering’

Vol. 84/No. 19 - May 18, 2020

NEW YORK — Implementing orders from Mayor Bill de Blasio that demonstrations not take place now, dozens of cops moved to break up a gathering of about 12 people May 3 protesting the partnership between Mount Sinai hospital, the city…

Fight grows to overturn ban on the ‘Militant’ in Florida prisons

Vol. 84/No. 19 - May 18, 2020

“The prison officials are targeting the Militant because of its political viewpoints,” wrote the paper’s attorney, David Goldstein, in an appeal filed with the Florida Department of Corrections’ Literature Review Committee May 1. This is “in violation of the First…

New titles on working-class politics now out in Arabic

Vol. 84/No. 18 - May 11, 2020

Two books on working-class politics and theory have just been published in Arabic translations. One is Are They Rich Because They’re Smart? Class, Privilege, and Learning Under Capitalism by Jack Barnes, national secretary of the Socialist Workers Party. The other…

‘The Militant is being banned, yet again, in a Florida prison’

Vol. 84/No. 18 - May 11, 2020

“The Militant  newspaper is being suppressed, yet again, in a Florida prison,” National Lawyers Guild President Elena Cohen wrote to the state’s Department of Corrections Literature Review Committee — urging it to overturn the latest ban on the paper. “The…

Florida prison bans ‘Militant’ for photos of worker protests

Vol. 84/No. 17 - May 4, 2020

In an outrageous effort to ban photographs of workers raising their fists in labor and other battles, Florida prison authorities have banned issue no. 13 of the Militant. This is the first time in eight months the paper has been…

Use the bosses’ ‘blood money’ to build SWP

Vol. 84/No. 16 - April 27, 2020

“Enclosed is the ‘blood money’ bribe I got from Walmart for $489.03,” wrote Chris Hoeppner from Philadelphia. “Use the money to build the Socialist Workers Party. They cut hours and are increasing the workload to massively increase their profits and…