‘Militant’ and books drive builds support for labor battles

Vol. 83/No. 39 - October 28, 2019

The drive to expand readership of the Militant and of books by Socialist Workers Party leaders and other working-class revolutionary leaders got off to a good start during its first week. The drive focuses on helping workers, farmers and other…

Contribute to SWP Party-Building Fund!

Vol. 83/No. 38 - October 21, 2019

The SWP Party-Building Fund of $100,000 is essential for the party to cover its basic expenses and to take advantage of new opportunities in the class struggle. Winning contributions through discussions on workers’ doorsteps, on the job and in joining…

Build solidarity with striking GM workers!

UAW strikers fight for jobs, end to divisive concessions
Vol. 83/No. 35 - September 30, 2019
Autoworkers picket in Flint, Michigan, Sept. 16. Strike shut down 33 plants, 22 warehouses.

Nearly 50,000 members of the United Auto Workers walked off the job Sept. 16 in the union’s first nationwide strike against General Motors in 12 years. The strike is part of an uptick in labor actions fueled by lower unemployment…

NYC forces homeless workers to turn over ‘savings’

Vol. 83/No. 35 - September 30, 2019

NEW YORK — Officials here have come up with a new schema they claim will help homeless workers dependent on the city’s shelters “transition to permanent housing.” And it has nothing to do with building more homes or organizing workers…

Debts, bankruptcies are soaring for older workers

Vol. 83/ No. 32 - September 2, 2019

Debts and bankruptcies are soaring for working people over age 65. Bosses have held wages down for years and governments have gone after social benefits workers won in struggle in decades past, with a disastrous impact on elderly workers. According…

Protests in Kashmir oppose Indian rulers’ crackdown

Vol. 83/ No. 32 - September 2, 2019

After announcing it would ease curfew rules and some other restrictions it had imposed in Indian-occupied Kashmir, the Indian government reversed its stance Aug. 16, in response to continuing protests there. Working people have joined actions to oppose New Delhi’s…

Layoffs, workers’ debts refute gov’t claims of ‘good times’

Vol. 83/No. 31 - August 26, 2019
Workers at Amazon fulfillment center in Robbinsville, New Jersey, November 2017. Competition between retail giants drives bosses’ assaults on workers who face job cuts and low wages.

According to acting Department of Labor Secretary Patrick Pizzella, July’s official unemployment rate of 3.7% “demonstrates the steady and consistent growth of the American economy.” But for millions of working people facing low-wage jobs, many at part-time hours; layoffs; and…