‘Militant,’ book, fund campaigns go over the top!

Vol. 87/No. 21 - May 29, 2023
“The government is responsible for the crisis in the health care system,” hospital worker Eliane St-Germain, right, told Communist League campaigner Rosemary Ray at protest in Quebec, May 13. St-Germain got Militant subscription, The Low Point of Labor Resistance Is Behind Us.

The international campaign to expand the reach of the Militant, sell books by Socialist Workers Party leaders and other revolutionaries, and raise needed funds for the paper has been a big success. Members of the SWP and Communist Leagues in…

Extend the reach of SWP campaigns, ‘Militant,’ books and Fighting Fund

Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023
SWP member Andrea Morell, right, selling Militant subscription at Berkeley, California, book fair May 7. At one-day fair, 21 subscriptions and 63 Pathfinder books were sold amid lively discussions on union solidarity, constitutional rights and the fight against antisemitism.

Socialist Workers Party and Communist League candidates and members are responding to political opportunities opened up by the continuing crisis of capitalism and the working-class resistance it spawns to meet and exceed this spring’s goal of signing up 1,350 Militant…

What are stakes for working people in US banking crisis?

Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023

Government officials and the owners of the country’s largest banks keep insisting the U.S. banking system has been stabilized and is under control. Is that true? The answer is no, as the deepening crisis of their capitalist system continues to…

Expand reach of SWP campaigns, ‘Militant,’ books by SWP leaders

Vol. 87/No. 19 - May 15, 2023
Socialist Workers Party member Naomi Craine signs up foundry worker Gabriel Quintero for Militant subscription,

We’re entering the home stretch of the international campaign to extend the readership of the Militant by 1,350; sell a similar number of books by Socialist Workers Party leaders and other revolutionaries; introduce the party’s candidates and its program to…

Hey, they shrunk the Doritos, and Twinkies, and …

Vol. 87/No. 18 - May 8, 2023

As food prices keep rising, many companies are seeking to maximize profits through “shrinkflation,” which some workers call “skimpflation,” where they fiddle with the packaging and you end up paying the same price but get less. Bosses have been doing…

Help get out the ‘Militant,’ books, raise needed funds

Vol. 87/No. 17 - May 1, 2023
SWP member Norton Sandler, left, with UPS driver Andrew Jones at Teamsters rally in Orange, California, April 15. Jones got a Militant subscription and a copy of Teamster Rebellion.

At an April 15 rally of over 600 UPS workers and their supporters in Orange, California, Socialist Workers Party members Norton Sandler and Fredy Huinil extended solidarity and joined discussions with Teamsters union members there. They’re fighting for a new…

More restrictions on political parties in Ukraine

Vol. 87/No. 17 - May 1, 2023

In a new attack on political rights, draft laws have been submitted in the Ukrainian parliament that would disqualify members of any of the Ukrainian parties that President Volodymyr Zelensky government officials designate as “pro-Russian” from being elected to legislative…

SWP campaigns with ‘Militant,’ new book, fund for the paper

Vol. 87/No. 16 - April 24, 2023
Pete Bastounes, left, a member of Operating Engineers Local 150 in Morris, Illinois, told SWP member David Rosenfeld April 8 about supporting striking members of his union in Chicago area last year. He renewed his Militant subscription, bought three books on special offer.

“I remember you from last time, when I got a subscription to the Militant,” Pete Bastounes, a member of Operating Engineers Local 150, told Socialist Workers Party members Dan Fein and David Rosenfeld when they knocked on his door in…

Seniors on Medicaid face eviction from assisted-living homes

Vol. 87/No. 16 - April 24, 2023

To the profit-driven capitalist rulers, the lives of retired workers, especially those with disabilities, don’t mean much, as there’s no longer any profits to be made through exploiting their labor. One reflection of the social and moral crisis of their…