Masonite strikers in Quebec win solidarity in contract fight

Vol. 87/No. 11 - March 20, 2023

LAC-MEGANTIC, Quebec — Two dozen pickets at the Masonite plant here warmly greeted this Militant  worker-correspondent and three others who made the three-hour trip from Montreal to bring them solidarity and donuts Feb. 27. The factory is located up the…

No to gov’t attack on political rights! says Communist League in Canada

Vol. 87/No. 9 - March 6, 2023
Carolina Martinez, left, a health care worker, met Beverly Bernardo, Communist League candidate, Feb. 18. Bernardo spoke out against Canadian government attack on truckers, rights.

MONTREAL — Beverly Bernardo, Communist League candidate in Montreal’s provincial by-election in the Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne riding, turned in all the petitions and was declared on the ballot Feb. 20 for the Quebec National Assembly. Over the February 18-19 weekend, more than…

Toronto forum discusses class battles in North America

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
Toronto forum discusses class battles in North America

TORONTO — “A lot of anger has been building in the working class as bosses and capitalist governments deepen their attacks on our wages and working conditions across North America and worldwide. We will see more labor actions like the…

Quebec maritime workers strike

Vol. 86/No. 32 - September 5, 2022

SOREL, Quebec — “After 10 years of service, I earn just $22.16 dollars [US$17] an hour,” Pascal Delisle said on the picket line in front of Ocean Towing Aug. 21. Eight members of United Steelworkers Local 9599 have been on…

Quebec Sobeys warehouse workers strike for pay raise

Vol. 86/No. 16 - April 25, 2022

TERREBONNE, Quebec — “I’m fed up being run by threats,” striker Patrick Sirois told the Militant  on the Sobeys distribution center picket line here April 9. The 190 United Food and Commercial Workers Local 501 members, on strike since Feb.…

Quebec cement workers fight boss’ seven-month lockout

Vol. 86/No. 5 - February 7, 2022

JOLIETTE, Quebec — Locked out since last May, some 110 workers at Ash Grove’s cement plant here unanimously voted down the employers’ latest offer Jan. 6.  “The union has asked for nothing except to maintain established rights,” Renaud Gagne, Unifor’s…

Quebec ferry workers strike for pay, jobs, time off

Vol. 85/No. 34 - September 20, 2021

SOREL, Quebec — Hundreds of ferry workers went on strike at five Saint Lawrence River crossings in Quebec on the Labour Day weekend. From here, northeast of Montreal, to Matane near the Atlantic coast, members of the United Steelworkers and …

Canada nickel strikers defeat Vale takeback drive

Vol. 85/No. 32 - August 30, 2021

Some 2,400 striking nickel miners, and mill and smelter workers returned to work at Vale International S.A. in Sudbury, Ontario, Aug. 9 after pushing back the bosses’ attempt to eliminate retiree health benefits for new hires. Under the slogan “Local…

Vale miners in Canada strike over boss attacks

Fight moves to axe retired workers’ health care
Vol. 85/No. 27 - July 12, 2021
Over 2,400 United Steelworkers union miners and other workers at Vale have been on strike in Sudbury since June 1. Sign reflects growing solidarity for the workers’ struggle.

SUDBURY, Ontario — “Everybody’s coming together more, including support from other unions — teachers, CUPE, Unifor and some government workers have come down,” Vale striker and United Steelworkers Local 6500 member Chris Banks told these Militant  worker-correspondents on the picket…