Chicago Symphony Orchestra players strike to defend pensions

Vol. 83/No. 13 - April 1, 2019

CHICAGO — Chicago Symphony Orchestra musicians put down their instruments and raised picket signs March 11, opposing management’s demand to replace their guaranteed “defined benefit” pension with “direct contribution” savings accounts.  “What they’re proposing would not be even with what…

Sign up for International May Day Cuba Brigade

Vol. 83/No. 12 - March 25, 2019

CHICAGO — More than 30 people turned out here for a March 10 film showing to build and raise funds for the 14th May Day International Volunteer Work Brigade in Solidarity with Cuba. The event was sponsored by the Chicago…

Chicago charter school teachers strike over pay, conditions

Vol. 83/No. 8 - February 25, 2019
Chicago Teachers Union members and supporters picket Chicago International Charter School headquarters Feb. 5, first day of strike at four charter schools over class size, pay, conditions.

CHICAGO — Some 175 members of the Chicago Teachers Union hit the picket lines at four schools here operated by Chicago International Charter School network Feb. 5. “The most important issues are class size and full staffing, as well as…