Myanmar resistance protests execution of political prisoners

Vol. 86/No. 29 - August 8, 2022

Still unable to stamp out resistance to its rule 17 months after they carried out a bloody coup, Myanmar’s military brass is stepping up repression, executing four political opponents July 23, the first use of the death penalty in more…

US rulers face political crisis as workers seek road forward

Vol. 86/No. 29 - August 8, 2022

The U.S. capitalist rulers face a political crisis. Plunging support for President Joseph Biden in the polls; continued anti-Trump hysteria by liberals, the middle-class left and Never-Trump Republicans; as well as deepening divisions tearing at both the Democratic and Republican…

Biden Mideast trip illustrates decline of US imperialism

Vol. 86/No. 28 - August 1, 2022

President Joseph Biden’s July 13-16 trip to the Middle East revealed the weakened state of U.S. imperialism and the inability of the Biden administration to achieve gains for the U.S. capitalist rulers against their rivals. For decades the Iranian rulers…

In blow to rights, Ukraine upholds ban on Communist Party

Vol. 86/No. 27 - July 25, 2022

In a serious blow to political rights, a Ukrainian administrative court in Lviv July 5 upheld the government’s longstanding ban on the Communist Party and the Happy Ukraine Party. Both were among the 11 parties ordered shut down by President…

Bosses rule through Republicans and Democrats, workers need a labor party

Vol. 86/No. 27 - July 25, 2022

President Joseph Biden frequently insists he is “the most pro-union president leading the most pro-union administration in American history.” Most top labor officials are missing no opportunity to urge unionists to vote more Democrats into office in November, so Biden…

Lessons from past union battles point road forward

Vol. 86/No. 26 - July 18, 2022

Miners forced on strike for over a year at Warrior Met Coal in Alabama, and other workers across North America, are standing up to the employers’ assault on our wages, and fighting for schedules that allow for a family life…

US rulers jack up interest rates, deepen crisis for workers, farmers

Vol. 86/No. 25 - July 11, 2022
Protests have erupted worldwide fighting soaring inflation. Above, hospital nurses and medical workers protest in Harare, Zimbabwe, June 21. They rejected government pay offer of 100%, saying it didn’t come close to inflation rate of 130% as food costs, fuel prices are exploding.

Facing a spreading economic crisis and soaring inflation, especially in things workers need, the U.S. rulers have launched steps that will fuel a deeper downturn in production and jobs. In a model of understatement, Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell told…

Gun violence, crime are result of today’s crisis of capitalism

Vol. 86/No. 23 - June 13, 2022
Col. Maurice Tawes fails to get civil rights leader Gloria Richardson to call off July 15, 1963, picket of segregated drug store in Cambridge, Maryland. Crime rate in the city plunged 75% during 1962-63 fight against Jim Crow segregation there. Richardson led the struggle, with union backing, in face of attacks from racist thugs and National Guard occupation of the city.

The horrifying mass shooting that killed 21 children and teachers at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, has sparked heated debate and mutual accusations of blame on the left and right of capitalist politics. None address the root cause…

As capitalist crisis deepens, workers need road forward

Vol. 86/No. 22 - June 6, 2022

Since the 2008 financial crash, living and working conditions in the U.S. have starkly declined for workers and our families, exacerbated by the effects of government lockdowns during the pandemic. Class inequalities have widened. Today, skyrocketing inflation, coupled with a…