Anti-labor outfit targets rail workers and their unions

Vol. 86/No. 44 - November 28, 2022

Rail workers are fighting today to push back their bosses and the government, both of which are responsible for working conditions that are dangerous, exhausting and tear at workers’ ability to have a family and union life. The fight they…

Democrats’ attacks on rights at heart of US class struggle

Vol. 86/No. 43 - November 21, 2022
Former FBI directors Robert Mueller, left, and his replacement James Comey, June 21, 2013. Both served as lead special prosecutors in Democrats’ witch hunt against President Donald Trump. Democratic officials are considering new prosecutor to try to stop him if he runs again.

Throughout the final days of the 2022 campaign, Democrats centered their fire on former President Donald Trump. They claim “democracy itself” is threatened if he ever holds office again. Before Trump was even elected in 2016, Democrats unleashed the FBI…

Support, vote for the Socialist Workers Party!

Join the fight for a working-class road forward
Vol. 86/No. 42 - November 14, 2022
Rachele Fruit, candidata del PST para gobernadora de Florida, habla con Duchelande St. Fleur y su esposo Peter Carmant, en North Miami, el 31 de octubre, sobre el programa del PST.

In the final days of the 2022 campaign, Socialist Workers Party candidates are advancing a fighting working-class program, backing rail workers’ battle for livable working conditions and explaining why opposing government assaults on constitutional freedoms is central for working people.…

Vote Socialist Workers Party, back working class struggles!

Vol. 86/No. 41 - November 7, 2022
Alyson Kennedy with Gerardo Sánchez, right, Socialist Workers Party candidates for governor of Texas and U.S. Congress, speak to unionists at May 1 picnic at Lake Cliff Park, Dallas.

With early voting already underway, both Democrats and Republicans claim the midterm elections are the most important in decades. The bosses’ two main parties are laser focused on factional battles against each other. Whichever party controls the House and Senate…

Strikers demand higher pay at two refineries in France

Vol. 86/No. 41 - November 7, 2022

Strikes by members of the Confederation Generale du Travail union (CGT) continue at two refineries owned by Total Energies in France Oct. 24. Workers at the Gonfreville and Feyzin refineries are demanding a 10% pay hike. Their union points to…