US bank failures reflect capitalist crisis as rulers debate budget

Vol. 87/No. 12 - March 27, 2023
After March 10 collapse of Silicon Valley and Signature banks, major U.S. regional bank stocks plunged, with First Republic Bank closing down over 60% on March 13. Despite capitalists’ claims of "big stock rally" March 14, shares of First Republic remained down.

Democrats and Republicans are tied up in partisan squabbling over President Joseph Biden’s $6.8 trillion budget plan. While they disagree on Biden’s proposed social expenditures and new taxes to fund them, both parties agree on the need to allocate billions…

‘Politically correct’ publishing bosses censor Roald Dahl

Vol. 87/No. 11 - March 20, 2023

“Taking care for the imagination and fast-developing minds of young children,” the editors at Puffin, a division of Penguin Random House, pontificated Feb. 24, “is a responsibility.” This was why they had to bowdlerize 17 titles by children’s author Roald…

‘Workers and working farmers both face common class enemy’

Vol. 87/No. 10 - March 13, 2023
U. S. farm debt in billions of dollars. After rising for decades, average farm debt has reached a record high. A disproportionate amount of this debt falls on the backs of working farmers.

MOUNT OLIVE, N.J. — “My father inherited his family’s debts, then we inherited his,” Hunter Hildebrant, 25, told the Militant at her family’s farm Feb. 18. Together with brothers Roy and Forrest, and twin sister Aspen, she grows tomatoes, onions,…

Special’ grand jury probe in Georgia is attack on political rights

Vol. 87/No. 10 - March 13, 2023

Casting aside any pretense at impartiality, special grand jury foreman Emily Kohrs has been on a “media tour” divulging selective details of the Democratic Party-run search for indictments targeting Donald Trump’s alleged interference in Georgia’s 2020 elections. A gleeful liberal…

FBI admits to spying on Catholics, calls them ‘extremists’

Vol. 87/No. 9 - March 6, 2023

The FBI will “never conduct investigative activities or open an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity,” the spy agency claimed as it shut down plans by its office in Richmond, Virginia, to launch a new spy operation aimed…

Earthquake hits Turkey, Syria, sets off social calamity

Vol. 87/No. 7 - February 20, 2023

A devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey and northern Syria Feb. 6, triggering a social catastrophe. More than 11,000 people have been killed. Rescue efforts, with international help, are continuing. Southern Turkey is home to many of the country’s…

Amnesty for undocumented workers, unify working class!

Vol. 87/No. 3 - January 16, 2023
Immigrant rights march April 2021 near the White House. Fighting for amnesty for undocumented workers in the U.S. is key to working-class unity, strengthening our unions.

Now halfway through the term of President Joseph Biden, his Border Patrol agents arrested a record 2.2 million immigrants in 2022 at the border with Mexico. Nearly half were deported back under Title 42, a 1944 law invoked in March…