What do the 2021 election results mean for the US working class?

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021
Doug Nelson, SWP candidate for Minneapolis mayor, right, at rally against U.S. Cuba embargo July 15. SWP candidates built support for union fights, offered road forward for working class.

The 2021 elections registered a sharp rejection of the anti-working-class politics of the liberal and middle-class socialist wing of the Democratic Party by workers and farmers across the country. From “defund the cops” referendums in Minneapolis and Seattle to the…

Marches, strikes protest coup, call for end to military rule in Sudan

Vol. 85/No. 42 - November 15, 2021
Protesters in London, Oct. 30, join in solidarity with hundreds of thousands who marched in Sudan to demand overthrow of military coup carried out a week earlier. “We have lived under these conditions for generations,” said Randa Ahmad-Hassan at the demonstration.

Carrying banners saying “No to military rule,” hundreds of thousands marched through the streets of Khartoum and other cities across Sudan Oct. 30, demanding the military coup carried out a week earlier be overturned. Solidarity protests were held the same…

Working class must lead in defense of land and labor, stewardship of nature

Vol. 85/No. 41 - November 8, 2021
Students study by solar lamp in Benin in 2017. While 700 million people worldwide lack access to electricity, anti-working-class environmental schemes call for ban on new power plants.

For 25 years the United Nations has hosted periodic conferences on climate change, where rival government leaders pose as self-righteous defenders of the environment. These capitalist regimes compete ruthlessly to advance their interests while perpetuating the fraud their goal is…

Protests erupt after military coup in Sudan

Vol. 85/No. 41 - November 8, 2021

Determined to prevent a return to military rule, tens of thousands took to the streets across Sudan to protest a coup by Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan Oct. 25.  “Don’t give your back to the army, the army won’t protect you,”…

John Deere workers reject contract, set strike

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021

By a 90% margin, over 10,000 United Auto Workers union members at more than a dozen John Deere plants in Iowa, Illinois and Kansas rejected a contract the agricultural-implements company bosses and union officials had agreed on. The union set…

Workers increasingly turn to our unions to fight assaults by bosses

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021
Striking health care workers picket at Mercy Hospital in Buffalo, New York, Oct. 12, on day 12 of their strike for safe staffing, higher wages, especially for lowest-paid workers.

More workers are walking picket lines and using their unions to resist the bosses’ drive to overturn gains won in previous struggles and push for yet more concessions on wages, schedules and working conditions. Building support for each of these…

Kellogg workers strike against 2-tier contract, boss attacks

Vol. 85/No. 38 - October 18, 2021
Kellogg strikers in East Hempfield Township, Pa., Oct. 6.

Over 1,400 members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers union struck four Kellogg Company cereal plants Oct. 5. They are determined to fight bosses’ demands for a two-tier contract that would deepen divisions among workers, as well…

80th anniversary of Nazi slaughter at Babyn Yar marked in Ukraine

Vol. 85/No. 38 - October 18, 2021
Oct. 3 March of Remembrance to new memorial in commemoration of 80th anniversary of Nazi massacre of over 30,000 Jews at Babyn Yar ravine near Kyiv, Ukraine, in 1941.

The 80th anniversary of the 1941 massacre of over 30,000 Jews by Nazi troops at Babyn Yar on the outskirts of Kyiv, Ukraine, was commemorated at the site of the slaughter Sept. 29. Over 100,000 others, mostly Jews, but also…

India: Farmer protests spread after marchers killed

Vol. 85/No. 38 - October 18, 2021

Indian farmers pledged to step up monthslong protests against laws threatening their livelihoods in response to the killing of eight people during clashes between protesters and officials in the Lakhimpur Kheri district of Uttar Pradesh state Oct. 3. Above, protest…

How unions rose in the 1930s, why we need a movement like that today

Vol. 85/No. 37 - October 11, 2021
Teamsters Local 574 before May 1934 Minneapolis strike battle. Leaders forged union democracy, discipline and solidarity, won backing of unemployed, farmers to build union movement.

More workers are joining together, standing up to employer attacks and demands for concessions, and discovering what we are capable of when we use our unions to defend ourselves. Most strikes today are aimed at preventing bosses from destroying vital…