Defend constitutional freedoms won in over two centuries of class struggle

Vol. 87/No. 26 - July 17, 2023

Won over two-and-a-half centuries of bloody class struggle, key constitutional protections against government interference are under attack by President Joseph Biden’s administration. The push for even more prosecutions against former President Donald Trump, Biden’s main rival for the presidency, is…

Derailment drops toxic chemical cars in Montana river

Vol. 87/No. 25 - July 10, 2023
Derailment drops toxic chemical cars in Montana river

“There is no immediate threat to Yellowstone County,” the sheriff’s office there claimed, hours after a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed when a bridge over the Yellowstone River collapsed upstream near Columbus, Montana, June 24. “At this time there are…

SWP: Defend political rights workers need!

Vol. 87/No. 25 - July 10, 2023
Farmworkers discuss their fight to win union recognition for the United Farm Workers and better job conditions at Windmill Farms in Sunnyside, Washington, with Vincent Auger, SWP candidate for Seattle City Council, far left, and campaign supporters June 26.

One of the central questions Socialist Workers Party candidates and campaigners are addressing with working people — on strike picket lines, farmsteads and workers’ doorsteps — are the high stakes in defending constitutional freedoms under attack today by President Joseph…

‘A road forward to raise workers’ confidence in our own capacities’

Vol. 87/No. 25 - July 10, 2023
Laura Garza, Socialist Workers Party 2024 candidate for U.S. Senate from California, speaks at closing panel.

OBERLIN, Ohio — The political report by Socialist Workers Party National Secretary Jack Barnes adopted by the June 12 expanded leadership meeting to guide party work culminated several days of plenary talks, summary presentations, classes and discussions during the international…

New indictment of Trump is assault on political rights all workers need

Vol. 87/No. 24 - July 3, 2023

Dealing serious blows to constitutional freedoms, President Joseph Biden is using his Justice Department to escalate the Democrats’ drive to destroy former President Donald Trump. For the first time ever, a sitting president — who is also a candidate for…

Memphis Bakery Workers strike over health care, overtime

Vol. 87/No. 24 - July 3, 2023
Bakery Worker unionists struck International Flavors and Fragrances in Memphis, Tennessee, June 4.

More than a year after their last contract ran out, nearly 200 members of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 390G went out on strike at International Flavors and Fragrances in Memphis, Tennessee, June 4. The workers produce…

Democrats, FBI push assaults on political rights workers need

Vol. 87/No. 23 - June 12, 2023

In their factional drive to hound former President Donald Trump out of politics, the Democrats for over six years have done serious damage to crucial constitutional freedoms. Free speech, assembly, protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, the right to a…

Durham report details attacks by Democrats, FBI on rights

Vol. 87/No. 22 - June 5, 2023

Department of Justice special counsel John Durham’s 306-page report released May 15 meticulously details the unconstitutional spy operation and “Russian collusion” witch hunt instigated by FBI bosses and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign to try to prevent Donald Trump from winning…

What is road forward for the working class in 2024 election?

Vol. 87/No. 21 - May 29, 2023

The 2024 presidential campaign is well underway, with Donald Trump, Joseph Biden, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and more announced or just running. Biden threw his hat in the ring via video, evidently not wanting to make…

Defend political freedoms under assault from the Democrats, FBI

Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023
FBI agents raid Socialist Workers Party Minneapolis headquarters, June 1941, opening move in rulers’ assault on SWP’s opposition to imperialist war. Prosecutors won conviction of party, Teamsters leaders on frame-up charge of “conspiracy to advocate overthrow of government.”

Since before the 2016 election, Democrats and their backers in the middle-class left have gone after Donald Trump and his supporters, using their main political police agency, the FBI, and the capitalist court system to attack them, especially the working…