Los Angeles rally protests Myanmar dictatorship

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021

LOS ANGELES — Several dozen people rallied in front of the Myanmar Consulate here Aug. 21, the 36th rally in Los Angeles County since the military seized power Feb. 1 and moved to crush a wave of mass demonstrations and…

Protest Washington’s economic war on Cuban Revolution

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021
July 25 rally after car caravan in Montreal against U.S. embargo of Cuba. The monthly actions demand end to Washington’s more than 60-year push to destroy Cuba’s socialist revolution.

Car and bike caravans, pickets and rallies to protest Washington’s more than 60-year-long economic war on Cuba are planned Aug. 29 in a half dozen U.S. cities as well as in Canada, the United Kingdom and other countries. Some will…

Join Labor Day actions, build solidarity

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021

Statement by Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey governor, Aug. 25. Marches, rallies and other actions planned by the labor movement around the country on or around Sept. 6 to mark Labor Day are an excellent opportunity…

Back the Warrior Met miners, Nabisco strikes!

Nabisco strikers fight to keep ‘what we already won’
Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021
Workers picket Portland, Oregon, Nabisco plant, to block bosses’ steep concession demands.

PORTLAND, Ore. — “We were the first to go out, on Aug. 10,” Cameron Taylor, business agent for Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union Local 364, which represents about 200 workers on strike at the Nabisco bakery…

Warrior Met strike is a ‘union issue for the whole nation’

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021

McCALLA, Ala. — “We decided to take up the cause of the striking miners because this is a union issue for the whole nation,” Mark Bass, president of International Longshoremen’s Association Local 1410 in Mobile, Alabama, told the Militant in…

US rulers’ war in Afghanistan was disaster for working people

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021

Since Joseph Biden ordered U.S. troops out of Afghanistan, an admission the U.S. rulers’ 20-year war there was a failure, Taliban forces swept across the country taking Kabul, the capital, Aug. 15. Some 5,800 U.S. troops, alongside 1,000 British soldiers…

Stewardship of land and labor falls to the working class

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021
Malcolm Jarrett, then SWP vice president candidate and currently SWP candidate for mayor of Pittsburgh, speaks at July 30, 2019, Allegheny County Health Department hearing, says workers need to fight for control of production to stop U.S. Steel plant poisoning workers, community.

The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently released its sixth assessment report, provoking renewed hysteria in the capitalist media and among liberal “Green New Deal” proponents that environmental disaster confronts us all today. The report is “code red…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021

September 9, 1996 Thousands of students in South Korea engaged in a nine-day confrontation with the government authorities, demanding reunification of the Korean peninsula. The protests began with a demonstration of 7,000 students in Seoul August 12. The rally was…

Working class must be vanguard of all the exploited people

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021
Peasants rally in support of Russian Revolution. When Bolshevik Party led the Soviets to take power, they abolished private ownership in land, turned farms over to those who tilled them.

One of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for August is Workers of the World and Oppressed Peoples, Unite! Proceedings and Documents of the Second Congress of the Communist International, 1920 (Vol. 2). Delegates came to the congress from 37 countries…

SWP campaign draws lessons from past class struggle battles

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021
Dennis Richter, right, SWP candidate for governor of California, talks to Noble Kaus at San Leandro Walmart store Aug. 22. Richter urged Kaus, who works at a union-organized chocolate factory, to join in bringing solidarity to workers facing lockouts and strikes today.

“This is a book about the dictatorship of capital and the road to the dictatorship of the proletariat,” Jacquie Henderson read to retired health care worker Rose Skarski from a copy of Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to…