Build a union movement in all plants, workplaces!

Fight for gov’t-funded public works program to create jobs
Vol. 84/No. 37 - September 21, 2020
New York City unions Sept. 3 protest mayor’s threat to lay off thousands of city workers.

Sept. 9 statement by Alyson Kennedy, SWP candidate for president. A fight by working people is needed to build a union movement in every workplace and to win immediate protection from the widespread unemployment and rising prices we face. Proposals…

What is the political road forward for workers in 2020

Vol. 84/No. 37 - September 21, 2020

As the Democratic and Republican conventions began, most pundits thought that Joe Biden was a shoo-in for president. They pointed to the widespread layoffs, nationwide protests against police brutality and ongoing coronavirus pandemic under President Donald Trump’s watch. But Trump…

Mine workers in Belarus say, Join protests against gov’t

Vol. 84/No. 37 - September 21, 2020

Popular mobilizations across Belarus demanding the resignation of President Alexander Lukashenko have defied his regime’s police threats against workers and protesters for the past month. Despite a heavy security presence, over 100,000 people rallied in Minsk, the capital, Sept. 6,…

Solidarity with Dominion grocery strike in Canada!

Vol. 84/No. 37 - September 21, 2020

OTTAWA, Ontario — As they enter their third week on strike, 1,400 Dominion grocery store workers in Newfoundland received solidarity on Labor Day from fellow Unifor union members and other supporters of their fight for full-time jobs and higher wages.…

Join ‘Militant’ fight to overturn ban by Florida prison officials

Vol. 84/No. 37 - September 21, 2020
Rally in Florida in October 2018 backing Amendment 4 to restore voting rights to over 1 million former prisoners. It passed by 64%. Militant covers these struggles for prisoners’ rights.

Florida prison authorities continue to ban issue after issue of the Militant, most recently for articles that report on these impoundments and the efforts of supporters of political rights to get them to reverse this. They banned four of the…

SWP campaigns to build workers’ fight for jobs, control over job safety

Vol. 84/No. 37 - September 21, 2020
Omar García told SWP presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy, left, “I support unions.” We need unions in every workplace, Kennedy said, to fight for our jobs, wages and conditions.

LIVINGSTON, Calif. — Socialist Workers Party presidential and vice presidential candidates, Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett, joined SWP Senate candidate Joel Britton and other campaigners here to speak with working people Sept. 6. Livingston is a town of 13,000 and…

Fight for gov’t-funded public works program to create jobs

Action needed now against impact of mass joblessness
Vol. 84/No. 36 - September 14, 2020
SEIU 32BJ union members demand jobs back, safe conditions, unemployment pay Aug. 13, after Delta airlines contractor Eulen America laid off 100 workers at Ft. Lauderdale airport.

Massive unemployment is not going away. It’s increasing competition among workers for jobs, as millions face devastating conditions, including the spectre of eviction. Rising numbers are forced to “choose” between paying medical bills, putting food on the table or covering…

Cut the workweek with no cut in pay to stop layoffs!

Vol. 84/No. 36 - September 14, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued this statement Sept. 2. Malcolm Jarrett is the SWP candidate for vice president. The Socialist Workers Party’s 2020 candidates are campaigning around a program of working-class action centered on the need…

Kenosha rally says, ‘Charge cop who shot Jacob Blake!’

Vol. 84/No. 36 - September 14, 2020
Some 2,000 demonstrators join Aug. 29 protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, hosted by the family of Jacob Blake Jr. after he was shot in the back seven times by a city cop. “The cop who shot Jacob needs to be charged,” teacher Jason Jackson told the Militant at the rally.

KENOSHA, Wis. — Some 2,000 demonstrators marched and rallied here Saturday, Aug. 29, to demand “Justice for Jacob,” in what was described as a “Peace March” hosted by the family of Jacob Blake Jr.  Kenosha cop Rusten Sheskey shot 29-year-old…

Belarus strikes, protests call on brutal regime to step down

Vol. 84/No. 36 - September 14, 2020

Tens of thousands of people converged in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, Aug. 30, chanting and flying white-red-white opposition colors, as they demanded the resignation of President Alexander Lukashenko on his birthday. Blocking their way to his palatial residence were…