Back Canadian grocery workers on strike against disparaging wage cut

Vol. 84/No. 36 - September 14, 2020
Aug. 23 picket at Dominion store in Mount Pearl, Newfoundland. Some 1,400 workers rejected contract and went on strike after bosses took back $2 pay raise begun during pandemic.

“I don’t know, but it’s been said, Galen’s pockets are lined with gold. I don’t know, but it’s been said, it’s time for workers to get ahead,” strikers at a St. John’s, Newfoundland, Dominion grocery store chanted, kicking off a…

Yakima workers, SWP candidates talk union building

Vol. 84/No. 36 - September 14, 2020
SWP candidates Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett, center, tell workers about example of fight for union by Washington fruit packers. They and campaign supporter Edwin Fruit met Aug. 30 with activists in strike at Allan Brothers, including José, left, and Agustín López, right.

YAKIMA, Wash. — Socialist Workers Party presidential and vice-presidential candidates Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett, on national tour across the country, explain that the party’s campaign is aimed at helping workers forge a union in every workplace and a fighting…

Fight for a public works program to provide jobs

As 2020 vote nears, working people face capitalist crisis
Vol. 84/No. 35 - September 7, 2020
Quarter-mile-long line outside food bank in Queens, N.Y., Aug. 22, as bosses cut jobs, hours.

As the nominating conventions of the Democratic and Republican parties meet, working people face depression-like conditions with mounting job cuts, the scourge of “for profit” health care in a pandemic and employers’ attacks on wages and working conditions. Another 1.1…

Demand gov’t pay benefits to those without jobs now!

Vol. 84/No. 35 - September 7, 2020

Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett, Socialist Workers Party candidates for president and vice president, issued the following statement Aug. 25. Join us in demanding government action now to protect working people from the spreading scourge of mass unemployment. Workers need…

‘Workers need a union in every workplace and a labor party!’

Vol. 84/No. 35 - September 7, 2020
Maggie Trowe, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Kentucky, visits picket line of members of Teamsters Local 89 on strike at DSI Tunneling, in Louisville Aug. 21.

As the vitriol between the two main capitalist candidates for U.S. president — Donald Trump and Joseph Biden — heats up with two months until the election, the Socialist Workers Party presidential ticket of Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett offers…

Workers join protests, strike against rigged vote in Belarus

Vol. 84/No. 35 - September 7, 2020
Thousands of demonstrators demand resignation of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko Aug. 25 in Minsk. Workers at over 145 plants have gone on strike since Aug. 9 rigged election.

Despite firings, large-scale arrests and beatings by police, working people continue to join daily protests and take strike action across Belarus. They are fighting to bring down the regime of President Alexander Lukashenko, who fraudulently proclaimed himself the winner in…

Prosecute cops who shot Jacob Blake Jr., in back in Kenosha!

Vol. 84/No. 35 - September 7, 2020
Julia Jackson, mother of Jacob Blake Jr. who was shot in back by cops in Kenosha, Wisconsin, addresses press Aug. 25. She said she supports continuing protests, but called out those responsible for arson and destruction, saying they don’t reflect the values “of my son or my family.”

KENOSHA, Wis. — Protests broke out here after city cops pumped at least seven shots into the back of 29-year-old Jacob Blake Jr., at close range as he attempted to get into his SUV Aug. 23. A video made by…

Israel-UAE pact is a step forward in Middle East

Pact opens road to broader political space for toilers
Vol. 84/No. 34 - August 31, 2020
Left, Jewish, Arab bus drivers demand better work conditions, safety outside Israeli parliament in Jerusalem in July. Right, Ramallah, West Bank, protest against Palestinian Authority attack on Social Security, pensions in 2018. Workers across the region have common interests.

The establishment of full diplomatic relations between the governments of the United Arab Emirates and Israel — the first time an Arab government has normalized relations with Israel in nearly 26 years — opens the door to other Arab governments…