Dairy farmers forced to dump milk while stores are running out

Vol. 84/No. 15 - April 20, 2020
Big processors have pressured dairy farms small and large, like Golden E Dairy in Wisconsin, with 2,400 cows, to dump milk. Yet working families face growing shortages of dairy goods.

RICHLAND CENTER, Wis. — Dairy farmers are being forced to dump fresh milk while millions face going short of dairy and food supplies due to government shutdowns and mass unemployment.   Stores like Walmart and Costco are limiting how much…

As 2020 elections take a time out, Congress passes bailout for bosses

Vol. 84/No. 15 - April 20, 2020

The 2020 presidential campaign is taking a back seat following the shutdown of many of the bosses’ factories and other workplaces, as a deep-going social crisis confronts the working class. Both the Democrats and Republicans — the twin parties of…

Join fights for jobs, higher wages, better conditions!

Today’s social crisis is product of capitalist rule
Vol. 84/No. 15 - April 20, 2020
Perdue workers in Kathleen, Georgia, walked off job March 23 to protest job conditions, bosses scorn for them. “The line is too fast,” one worker said. “There’s chicken all over the floor.”

The lockdowns imposed by governments from North America to western Europe, Uganda to Argentina, and around the world — one of the rulers’ key steps to try and defend their capitalist system in a time of deep economic and social…

Demand mass public works program to provide jobs!

Vol. 84/No. 15 - April 20, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party 2020 candidate for U.S. president, issued the following statement April 8. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s 2020 vice presidential candidate. Workers face an urgent need to defend ourselves from the bosses’ assaults today. The only…

Bangladesh: Workers fight moves to shut off jobs, pay

Vol. 84/No. 15 - April 20, 2020
Garment workers outside Crown Wears factory in Bhaluka, Bangladesh, organize protest April 6 demanding March wages. Showing up for work after 10-day lockdown, they were met with sign saying factory would remain closed and information on pay would come later.

Workers in the centers of garment production in Asia and elsewhere are taking heavy blows from decisions taken by the capitalist bosses in Europe and North America to shut down whole sections of their economies, including much of the clothing…

PG&E bosses cop a plea to manslaughter in fire deaths

Vol. 84/No. 15 - April 20, 2020
Joel Britton, left, currently SWP candidate for U.S. Congress, speaks with carpenter Tony Worino in his RV at Camp Fire refugee camp in Chico, California, in December 2018.

OAKLAND, Calif. — On March 23 Pacific Gas & Electric bosses struck a plea bargain with the Butte County District Attorney’s Office, saying they would admit guilt on felony counts stemming from the deadly 2018 Camp Fire and pay a…

Workers’ job actions lead fight for safety, more pay

Road to build a fighting labor movement
Vol. 84/No. 14 - April 13, 2020
Sanitation workers in Pittsburgh protest for safety equipment, higher pay. “Nobody respected the garbage men till we didn’t pick up the garbage,” worker Derrick McClinton told the media.

Around the country and worldwide, more and more workers are organizing on the job to fight callous insistence by the bosses that they work without protective equipment in hazardous environments. They are also resisting other attacks on their jobs, wages…

Women win right to choose abortion in New Zealand

Vol. 84/No. 14 - April 13, 2020
Holly Wakelin, left, and Lucy Mackenzie, right, two young women who helped lead recent actions for women’s right to abortion, hold banner at Auckland Feb. 18 march. After decades of mobilizations, New Zealand’s parliament adopted law legalizing abortion March 18.

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — In a victory for the rights of women, a law decriminalizing abortion passed the New Zealand Parliament March 18. “It’s been a long time coming,” 84-year-old Margaret Sparrow, a doctor and lifelong leader of the fight…

Join drive for more readers, Militant fund contributors!

Vol. 84/No. 14 - April 13, 2020
From right, Socialist Workers Party vice presidential candidate Malcolm Jarrett and campaigner Zena Jasper talk with retired truck driver Jerome Sotak in Whiting, Indiana.

The Militant is asking its readers to join the drive to expand the reach of the paper and contribute to the $115,000 Militant Fighting Fund. The paper is more valuable than ever in the capitalist economic and social crisis workers…