Strikers: ‘All Mack Truck cares about is profits’

Vol. 83/No. 40 - November 4, 2019
Mack Truck strikers rally in Macungie, Pennsylvania, Oct. 20, part of 3,600 out on strike. “The company just thinks about profits,” said striker Steve Gerhard. “The union is our fraternity.”

MACUNGIE, Penn. — More than 3,600 United Auto Workers members on strike at Mack Truck plants in five cities are standing up to the bosses’ steep concession contract demands. Sweden-based Volvo Group owns Mack. They went on strike Oct. 13…

Autoworkers at GM win support in working class

Vol. 83/No. 39 - October 28, 2019

TOLEDO, Ohio — Morale is high on General Motors workers’ picket lines at 33 factories and 22 parts warehouses around the country, one month into the strike by some 49,000 members of the United Auto Workers union. “The solidarity we’ve…

Ankara hands off Kurds in Syria! US out of Mideast!

Vol. 83/No. 39 - October 28, 2019

  The capitalist rulers in Turkey and Islamist Syrian forces they arm and control launched airstrikes, artillery bombardments and a ground invasion of northeastern Syria Oct. 9, targeting the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces there. Their goal is to weaken the…

‘Militant’ and books drive builds support for labor battles

Vol. 83/No. 39 - October 28, 2019

The drive to expand readership of the Militant and of books by Socialist Workers Party leaders and other working-class revolutionary leaders got off to a good start during its first week. The drive focuses on helping workers, farmers and other…

Halt Ankara’s assault against the Kurds in north Syria!

Vol. 83/No. 38 - October 21, 2019

Aiming to deal blows to the Kurdish peoples’ struggle for national rights, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has begun airstrikes on the Kurdish-controlled region of northeastern Syria. President Donald Trump announced Oct. 6 the withdrawal of some U.S. troops in…