Hong Kong ban on masks can’t stop struggle for political rights

Vol. 83/No. 38 - October 21, 2019

As mass protests for political rights and against Beijing’s interference continued, the Hong Kong government announced Oct. 4 it was implementing a highly controversial ban on people wearing face masks at public assemblies. The Chinese government applauded the repressive measure,…

Liberals push impeachment, target is the working class

Vol. 83/No. 38 - October 21, 2019

Impeachment hysteria is consuming the Democratic Party, pushing their 2020 presidential candidates’ competition aside, as the party’s leaders in the House of Representatives have launched “impeachment inquiries” against President Donald Trump in no less than six different House committees. Their…

SWP: Working people can make gains ‘when we stand and fight’

Vol. 83/No. 38 - October 21, 2019
Farmer Willie Head, center, meets with Alyson Kennedy, SWP 2016 candidate for president and Malcolm Jarrett, SWP candidate for Pittsburgh City Council, Oct. 2 in Pavo, Georgia.

PAVO, Ga. — “The protest by Blackjewel coal miners in Kentucky is an example of what working people can accomplish if we stand together and fight,” Alyson Kennedy, the Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate in 2016, told Willie Head Oct.…

Impeachment hysteria targets working class, political rights

Vol. 83/No. 37 - October 14, 2019

The liberals in the big-business press editorial offices and the Democratic Party are ecstatic about a leak from an anonymous “whistleblower” — reported to be a CIA agent — who said President Donald Trump mentioned former Vice President Joseph Biden…

Step up solidarity with UAW strikers at GM!

Vol. 83/No. 37 - October 14, 2019
Autoworkers picket Detroit GM Hamtramck Assembly Plant, Sept. 25. Key issues are permanent status for temporary workers, end to divisive two-tier pay scale, reopen shuttered plants.

BOLINGBROOK, Ill. — The nearly 49,000 United Auto Workers union members on strike against General Motors since Sept. 16 are winning solidarity in their fight to make temporary workers permanent, as well as to get rid of two-tier wages and…

Blackjewel miners end protest camp, fight goes on

Vol. 83/No. 37 - October 14, 2019

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Miners who had blocked the railroad near Cumberland, Kentucky, since July 29 took down the encampment, cleaned the area and ended this phase of their struggle Sept. 26. But, they and their supporters said that this doesn’t…

Dallas cop who killed Botham Jean is found guilty of murder

Vol. 83/No. 37 - October 14, 2019
Sept. 30, 2018, Dallas protest after cop Amber Guyger shot and killed Botham Jean as he ate ice cream in his apartment. Protests forced cops to fire Guyger and led to murder conviction.

DALLAS — A 12-person jury here found Dallas cop Amber Guyger guilty of murder Oct. 1 in the killing last fall of Botham Jean, a 26-year-old Black man. Jean was shot while eating ice cream in his own apartment. Guyger,…

SWP: Building solidarity helps boost working class struggle

Vol. 83/No. 37 - October 14, 2019
UAW picket line at GM plant in Arlington, Texas, Sept. 28. From left, striker Scott Rigney; Malcolm Jarrett, SWP candidate for Pittsburgh City Council; striker Chris Roberts; and Alyson Kennedy, SWP 2016 presidential candidate. Working-class solidarity boosts struggle.

“We came here to be in solidarity with the fight pressing for Amber Guyger to be convicted and jailed for killing Botham Jean,” Malcolm Jarrett, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Pittsburgh City Council told Shelia Bennett, one of the many…