Blackjewel miners keep up camp, say ‘No pay, we stay!

Vol. 83/No. 36 - October 7, 2019

CUMBERLAND, Ky. — Coal miners have been camped out for eight weeks just outside this town of 2,000 in Harlan County blocking Blackjewel bosses from moving trainloads of coal. Blackjewel LLC, the sixth largest coal company in the U.S., declared…

Imperialism is the arsonist in Brazil’s rainforest

Vol. 83/No. 36 - October 7, 2019

Much liberal media space has been given to the fires currently burning in the Amazon in Brazil, with calls coming from “concerned” celebrities, bourgeois environmentalists and imperialist heads of state to “save the rainforest.” In late August more than 93,000…

SWP national tour: Workers struggles point road forward

Vol. 83/No. 36 - October 7, 2019
Miembro del UAW Melvin Jennings habla con Alyson Kennedy, candidata presidencial del PST en 2016, frente a planta de la Ford en Chicago. Sobre la lucha de los mineros de Blackjewel por salarios robados por los patrones en Kentucky, Jennings dijo, “Es justo lo que están haciendo”.

“When you stand up and fight, you are guaranteed to win a victory, even if you don’t accomplish all you set out to do. You set an example, you inspire others, you gain confidence in what we can do when…

‘Cancel Puerto Rico debt,’ say protesters in NY, Philadelphia

Vol. 83/No. 36 - October 7, 2019

PHILADELPHIA — Marches here and in New York Sept. 21 marked the second anniversary of Hurricane Maria’s devastation of Puerto Rico, highlighting that the social catastrophe since the storm is not the result of a “natural” disaster, but a manmade…

US rulers step up sanctions, tell Tehran to pull back in Mideast

Vol. 83/No. 36 - October 7, 2019

After threatening military action against Iran, President Donald Trump announced Sept. 20 that the U.S. government was sending hundreds more troops to Saudi Arabia and tightening its sanctions on Tehran. It is increasing pressure on the Iranian rulers to enter…

Support GM strikers, Blackjewel coal miners!

‘No more tiers!’ is demand at the center of GM strike
Vol. 83/No. 36 - October 7, 2019
Caravana de solidaridad de Louisville se une a huelguistas en planta de GM Corvette en Bowling Green, Kentucky, el 23 de septiembre. “Tenemos que defender a todos o no podemos defendernos a nosotros mismos”, dijo Renata McKenney, trabajadora jubilada de Ford.

ROANOKE, Ind. — “I’ve been a temporary worker for three and a half years with no end in sight,” United Auto Workers union member Raymond Walker told the Militant on the General Motors strike picket line here as he joined…

SWP campaigns, wins support for workers organizing to fight

Vol. 83/No. 35 - September 30, 2019

SEATTLE — “We are seeing important examples of workers organizing to fight to change their conditions on the job. This is a change,” explained Alyson Kennedy, to nearly 40 people at a Socialist Workers Party campaign rally in Seattle Sept.…

Hurricane Dorian exposed depth of class divisions in the Bahamas

Vol. 83/No. 35 - September 30, 2019

Hurricane Dorian exposed the class divide between the wealthy ruling families and working people in the Bahamas, the disregard of the government for the lives of the majority who live there and the class values of the U.S. rulers, who…

Walmart is just ‘a modern day sweatshop’

Vol. 83/No. 35 - September 30, 2019

SAN LEANDRO, Calif. — “You can’t make people work in total darkness,” one Walmart worker told the Militant after managers at the store here demanded employees continue working after a power outage shut down the lights from midday to almost…