SWP candidates step up campaigning, demand ‘US rulers’ hands off Iran!’

Vol. 83/No. 25 - July 15, 2019
Left, SWP candidate for Pittsburgh City Council Malcolm Jarrett joins Wabtec workers picket May 17. Alyson Kennedy, at right, campaigns door to door in West Dallas in 2018. Two SWP campaigners will travel, speak across country.

Socialist Workers Party candidates and their supporters across the country are stepping up efforts to introduce the party, its working-class program and activities to workers and youth coming out of the party-sponsored 2019 International Active Workers Conference held June 13-15.…

Railroad workers need to fight for workers control over trains, safety

Vol. 83/No. 25 - July 15, 2019
Coal train near Powder River Basin area of northeast Wyoming. BNSF bosses recently began running dangerously extra-long coal trains from Wyoming mines to Wisconsin. SWP program calls for trains with no more than 50 cars and crew of four, two on each end of the train.

LINCOLN, Neb. — A Union Pacific freight train containing cars carrying military munitions, including hand grenades, bombs and highly volatile ammonium nitrate, commonly used in explosives, from Nebraska to the U.S. Army Depot in Nevada, derailed June 19 as it…

G-20 summit reveals ‘liberal world order’ is coming apart

Vol. 83/No. 25 - July 15, 2019

The Group of 20 annual summit in Osaka, Japan, June 28-29 drew government leaders from the U.S., Germany, Japan, China, Russia, all the main imperialist and other large capitalist countries. It reflected the deep competition over trade between them, despite…

Liberals’ Green New Deal is trap for working class

Modeled on Roosevelt’s WWII attacks on unions
Vol. 83/No. 25 - July 15, 2019

One feature of capitalist politics in the U.S. is the entry of a layer of self-proclaimed socialists — like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — who see their mission to rebrand the Democratic Party to better ensnarl workers and to reform and defend…

US hands off Iran! End US economic war!

Bring all US troops home from Middle East now!
Vol. 83/No. 24 - July 8, 2019
June 24 protest action in Oakland, California, against U.S. threats, sanctions against Iran.

The following statement was issued by David Rosenfeld, currently the Socialist Workers Party candidate for City Council in Minneapolis, June 21. The Socialist Workers Party demands: U.S. hands off Iran! U.S. troops out of the Middle East! End the economic…

US sanctions hit hardest against working people

Vol. 83/No. 24 - July 8, 2019

The U.S. government is stepping up threats to use its military might against Iran and tightening economic sanctions whose consequences fall heaviest on the Iranian working people. Washington’s latest pretext for these steps to defend imperialist interests in the Middle…

Speak out against bans on ‘Militant’ in prisons!

Vol. 83/No. 24 - July 8, 2019

Florida prison officials have banned at least eight of the last 12 issues of the Militant. We say “at least” because they don’t always inform us the paper has been banned, even though they are required by their own rules…

Vote to erase Calif. mural is blow to art, political rights

Vol. 83/No. 24 - July 8, 2019
Scene from Victor Arnautoff’s mural “Life of Washington” depicting George Washington as slave owner. In a blow to artistic, political rights, San Francisco School Board voted June 25 to destroy the mural, which has been in George Washington High School lobby for eight decades.

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — In a blow to artistic and political rights in the name of “political correctness,” the San Francisco School Board voted to destroy the “Life of Washington” mural at George Washington High School here June 25. The…

Massive protests in Hong Kong push back hated extradition bill

Vol. 83/No. 24 - July 8, 2019
June 16 demonstration in Hong Kong drew some 2 million people, largest mobilization in history of former British colony. Beijing fears its impact on working people inside China.

In a victory for democratic and political rights, the biggest mobilizations in Hong Kong’s history forced the city’s chief executive, Carrie Lam — after a meeting with top Chinese officials — to suspend moves to pass a hated bill authorizing…

‘We demand: End US colonial rule over people of Puerto Rico’

Vol. 83/No. 24 - July 8, 2019
May 1 union protest in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Front placard says, “No more Promesa” — the U.S.-imposed law demanding Puerto Rico pay its foreign debt — and “No more lies.”

The following is the statement by Seth Galinsky given for the Socialist Workers Party to the U.N. Special Committee on Decolonization at its June 24 hearing on the colonial status of Puerto Rico. Distinguished Madam Chairperson and committee members: My…