Legislators in Texas push to make every abortion illegal

Vol. 83/No. 17 - April 29, 2019

The Texas state legislative Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee held unprecedented public hearings April 8-9 on a proposed bill to authorize criminal prosecution of all women who have an abortion and of the doctors who perform them. All abortions would…

Workers protest gov’t raid at factory in Texas

Demonstrate against ICE arrest of 284 workers
Vol. 83/No. 16 - April 22, 2019
Protesters outside factory in Allen, Texas, during April 3 immigration raid. Immigration and local cops surrounded plant, detaining 284 workers, in largest factory raid in decade.

ALLEN, Texas — Two hundred Immigration and Customs Enforcement police and local cops surrounded the CVE Technology Group factory here April 3 and arrested 284 workers. They were accused of not being authorized to work in the U.S. It was…

Rail barons slash training, safety in move to boost profits

Vol. 83/No. 16 - April 22, 2019

Freight rail bosses across North America are cutting training time and standards — on top of reducing crew size and running much longer trains — to save money and boost profits, regardless of the risks to the safety of rail…

SWP moves out to expand political reach of the party

Vol. 83/No. 16 - April 22, 2019
“For years I’ve hated how capitalism pits everyone against each other,” nurse Mickale Hensley, left, in her front yard, told SWP member Maggie Trowe in Williamstown, Kentucky, April 5.

REEDLEY, Calif. — Socialist Workers Party members and supporters from the Bay Area and Los Angeles spent two days in California’s agricultural heartland, the Central Valley, April 6-7. They knocked on doors to meet and get to know fellow working…

Protests in Sudan, London demand fall of Omar al-Bashir government

Vol. 83/No. 16 - April 22, 2019
Several thousand protesters in London April 6 demonstrate in solidarity with massive wave of protests across Sudan calling for ouster of regime of President Omar al-Bashir.

LONDON —“The reason we’re all here in the U.K. is because of the regime of President Omar al-Bashir in Sudan. Everyone here has a similar story,” Ahmed Mustapha, a physician working for the National Health Service, told the Militant as…

US rulers exploit crisis in Venezuela as pretext to push attacks on Cuba

Vol. 83/No. 16 - April 22, 2019

Washington is using the ongoing economic crisis facing working people in Venezuela to further its main goal in the region — weakening the Cuban Revolution. The U.S. Treasury Department’s latest round of sanctions target two maritime companies and an oil…

SWP launches drive to expand reach of books and ‘Militant’

Vol. 83/No. 15 - April 15, 2019
Lea Sherman, left, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey State Assembly, talks to Susan Wright in her home in Frenchtown March 20. Wright bought a subscription to the Militant, four books by SWP leaders on special and contributed to the SWP campaign.

To advance the work of the Socialist Workers Party in exchanging views and sharing experiences with workers, farmers, and other exploited producers, and laying the groundwork for working together, the party has launched a drive to expand the readership of…

Cease-fire can open political space in Israel and in Gaza

Vol. 83/No. 15 - April 15, 2019

A cease-fire agreement between the Israeli government and Hamas, the ruling Palestinian party in the Gaza Strip, was signed March 25, brokered by the Egyptian military-led government. It came after Hamas had fired rockets into Israel and Israel Defense Forces…