SWP launches drive to expand reach of books and ‘Militant’

Vol. 83/No. 15 - April 15, 2019
Lea Sherman, left, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey State Assembly, talks to Susan Wright in her home in Frenchtown March 20. Wright bought a subscription to the Militant, four books by SWP leaders on special and contributed to the SWP campaign.

To advance the work of the Socialist Workers Party in exchanging views and sharing experiences with workers, farmers, and other exploited producers, and laying the groundwork for working together, the party has launched a drive to expand the readership of…

Cease-fire can open political space in Israel and in Gaza

Vol. 83/No. 15 - April 15, 2019

A cease-fire agreement between the Israeli government and Hamas, the ruling Palestinian party in the Gaza Strip, was signed March 25, brokered by the Egyptian military-led government. It came after Hamas had fired rockets into Israel and Israel Defense Forces…

Workers, farmers face social disaster in floods

Catastrophe is product of workings of capitalism
Vol. 83/No. 14 - April 8, 2019
Volunteers from McCook, Nebraska, organize “flood buckets” of supplies to take to areas battered by flooding. Government officials had left those hard hit to fend for themselves.

LINCOLN, Neb. — The government on all levels has left farmers, ranchers and other working people to fend for themselves in the face of flooding that destroyed crops, silos full of grain and livestock on hundreds of thousands of acres…

‘Times’ scribe urges liberals to declare war on rural America

Vol. 83/No. 14 - April 8, 2019

Leaders of the Democratic Party and the rapidly growing number of contenders for the party’s presidential nomination are caught in a dogfight over the best strategy for victory in 2020. Should they try to compete with President Donald Trump for…

UK rulers face crisis as toilers push for break from the EU

Vol. 83/No. 14 - April 8, 2019

LONDON — As the March 29 deadline for the U.K. to leave the European Union loomed without any agreement over how this division would be managed, the capitalist rulers here and those who control the EU in Berlin and Paris…

Boeing bosses sacrificed safety to defend profits, market share

Vol. 83/No. 14 - April 8, 2019

More information continues to come to light making it crystal clear that the crashes of two Boeing 737 Max 8 planes in Indonesia and Ethiopia were not accidents.  They were the direct result of cold-blooded decisions by Boeing bosses to…

No to attacks on Muslims, mosques in New Zealand!

Protest NZ rulers’ efforts to restrict political rights!
Vol. 83/No. 13 - April 1, 2019
March 16 march in Melbourne, Australia, protesting anti-immigrant lone gunman’s armed assault on worshippers attending services at two mosques in New Zealand that killed 50.

The following statement was issued March 16 by the Communist League in New Zealand. The Communist League condemns, in the strongest way, the rightist shooting massacre at the Al Noor and Linwood mosques in Christchurch that has left 50 dead…