Nat’l blackout deepens crisis in Venezuela – US hands off!

Vol. 83/No. 12 - March 25, 2019

Thousands participated in rival demonstrations in Venezuela March 9 in response to counterposed calls by President Nicolás Maduro and U.S.-groomed opposition leader Juan Guaidó amid a growing political and social crisis. Guaidó, head of the National Assembly controlled by bourgeois…

Solidarity with workers on strike against Wabtec!

United Electrical workers fight against cuts
Vol. 83/No. 11 - March 18, 2019
Rally at Wabtec offices in Wilmerding, Pennsylvania, March 6 in solidarity with United Electrical Workers union members on strike in Erie. Bosses imposed deep two-tier wage system.

ERIE, Pa. — “We are fighting for the next generation,” Sam Hill, a striking United Electrical Workers member who’s worked at GE Transportation here for 14 years as a forklift operator, told the Militant  March 1. “We don’t want to…

Celebrate US rulers’ decision to end Korea war exercises

Vol. 83/No. 11 - March 18, 2019

Washington announced March 1 the Pentagon is ending permanently the large-scale annual war “games” involving tens of thousands of troops it has organized in Korea for decades. “The decision to permanently halt the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle war exercises…

‘Prisons exist in this country to take away our humanity’

Vol. 83/No. 11 - March 18, 2019
Dennis Richter, center, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Los Angeles City Council, and campaign supporter, Barbara Bowman, speak to Lenin Mendoza in Reseda, San Fernando Valley Feb. 24. Mendoza said, “It’s hard for people to pay for basic necessities now,” as he bought subscription to the Militant and In Defense of the US Working Class.

When Dennis Richter, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Los Angeles City Council, knocked on the door of Lenin Mendoza Feb. 24, and explained some of the politics and perspectives his campaign is raising, Mendoza, a hospital worker, invited Richter to…

Mexican workers get boost in fight for wage raise by strike victories

Vol. 83/No. 11 - March 18, 2019

After 35,000 workers at 45 mostly foreign-owned parts factories in Matamoros, Mexico, went on strike and won a 20 percent wage increase and a $1,700 bonus Feb. 11, new strikes have erupted pressing bosses for raises and better conditions. Workers…

Trump, Kim meet for talks to denuclearize Korea peninsula

Vol. 83/No. 10 - March 11, 2019

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had their second face-to-face summit Feb. 27-28 in Hanoi to continue discussions on the denuclearization of Korea. Any steps towards that end will be good for working people in Korea,…

W. Va. workers discuss crisis, importance of teachers strike

Socialist Workers Party campaigns in coal country
Vol. 83/No. 10 - March 11, 2019
Above, picket line in Hurricane, West Virginia, during Feb. 19-20 strike by school workers. Inset, Socialist Workers Party member Samir Hazboun, left, talks with former miner Eddie McLaughlin in Kermit. SWP campaigners went door to door talking to workers about conditions they face and need for solidarity with strikers.

On Feb. 20 Amy Husk, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Kentucky governor, and campaign supporter Samir Hazboun went to West Virginia’s coal country to talk to working people at their doorsteps about conditions they face, and about the school workers…

Social crisis continues in Venezuela — US hands off!

Vol. 83/No. 10 - March 11, 2019
People wait on long lines outside store while motorists also wait to get fuel in San Cristóbal, Venezuela, Nov. 10. Working people face shortages in food, medicine, other necessities.

U.S.-groomed Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó, who proclaimed himself president in January, appealed to Washington Feb. 25 to take more aggressive measures to oust the government of Nicolás Maduro. But Vice President Mike Pence, who met with Guaidó and government…