Coal miners face rise in scourge of deadly black lung disease

Vol. 83/No. 6 - February 11, 2019

Black lung disease is on the rise among coal miners throughout Appalachia, with the most deadly forms now affecting a younger generation of miners. Facts about this debilitating and deadly disease were highlighted in an NPR/Frontline program “Coal’s Deadly Dust”…

‘I want to join your campaign!’ SWP gets hearing in Texas working class

Vol. 83/No. 6 - February 11, 2019
Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Dallas mayor, shows auto worker Jason Denton new book In Defense of US Working Class, Jan. 25, while campaigning door to door.

DALLAS — Socialist Workers Party mayoral candidate Alyson Kennedy and fellow campaigners have knocked on doors in working-class neighborhoods all across Dallas and the surrounding Texas region for the last two weeks — introducing the party and discussing how working…

Virginia teachers march over low wages, school conditions

Vol. 83/No. 6 - February 11, 2019
Jan. 28 protest by thousands of Virginia teachers, other school workers and their supporters. Since 2008 state has cut thousands of teaching and school positions while enrollment soared.

RICHMOND, Va. — Thousands of red-jacketed teachers, other school workers and their supporters rallied at the state Capitol here Jan. 28 protesting both the long-standing decline of the schools and state government budget cuts that slashed school funding, building maintenance…

Davos Forum marks political crises afflicting capitalist rulers

Vol. 83/No. 6 - February 11, 2019
Yellow vest protest in Paris Jan. 26, one of many actions across France against President Emmanuel Macron’s government. Bosses at forum in Davos expressed fears that such actions by working people against the impact of the crisis of capitalism foretell “unrest to come.”

The annual gathering of some 3,000 bosses, bankers and speculators, heads of state and meritocratic hangers-on at the World Economic Forum took place in Davos, Switzerland, Jan. 22-25. The event was marked by the sharpening political crisis confronting the various…

US hands off Venezuela! Stop threats against Cuba!

Vol. 83/No. 6 - February 11, 2019

The following statement was released by Seth Galinsky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New York City Public Advocate, Jan. 30. The U.S. government — backed by Democrats and Republicans alike — has unilaterally declared the government of Nicolás Maduro in…

Los Angeles teachers won with broad strike support

Fight inspires teachers in Denver, Virginia, Oakland
Vol. 83/No. 5 - February 4, 2019
Teachers picket Dorsey High School in Los Angeles Jan. 17 before strike settled. Capitalist rulers there underestimated widespread support teachers strike got from working people.

LOS ANGELES — A spirited and popular six-day strike by more than 30,000 teachers here ended Jan. 22 after a majority voted to approve a new contract. Teachers won widespread support from students, parents and other workers as they demonstrated…

UK capitalist rulers ‘Brexit’ political crisis continues on

Vol. 83/No. 5 - February 4, 2019

MANCHESTER, England — A “Brexit-in-name-only” deal negotiated by the U.K. government with the European Union — two and a half years in the making — was overwhelmingly voted down in the House of Commons Jan. 15. This reflects the deep…

Florida voting rights victory spurs fights in Iowa, Kentucky

Vol. 83/No. 5 - February 4, 2019

The successful fight to restore voting rights to more than a million former prisoners in Florida has spread to Iowa and Kentucky. Constitutional provisions in those two states continue to bar the right to vote to most people released after…

SWP Dallas campaign attracts working-class interest in Texas

Vol. 83/No. 5 - February 4, 2019
SWP Dallas campaign attracts working-class interest in Texas

DALLAS — “Really the only way to change things is what they are doing,” Katelyn Galbreath told Socialist Workers Party campaigner Sarah Ullman, pointing to the photo of Kentucky teachers protesting at the state Capitol last year depicted on the…

Liberal, FBI anti-Trump ‘resistance’ is a threat to working people’s rights

Vol. 83/No. 5 - February 4, 2019

Democrats, middle-class “resisters” against President Donald Trump, and Republican “Never-Trumpers” have all cranked up their hysteria around his presidency. Their efforts to drive him out of the White House intensified after the Democrats took control of the House of Representatives…