‘UK out now!’ Brexit is best terrain for the workers to fight

Vol. 82/No. 46 - December 10, 2018

LONDON — Defying millions of working people who voted for Brexit, Prime Minister Theresa May is pursuing a “deal” — a 585-page opaque document — that will keep the U.K.’s capitalist rulers aligned with the protectionist bloc known as the…

Join workers in struggle, break with bosses’ parties

Join Socialist Workers Party campaigning in working class
Vol. 82/No. 46 - December 10, 2018
Dennis Richter, Socialist Workers Party candidate for US Senate in California during 2018 election, talks with worker at Farmer Johns meatpacking plant in Vernon, Oct. 31.

Socialist Workers Party members found widespread interest in the party’s program, and in how it championed workers on strike to defend their jobs, wages and safety, and joined in protests against police brutality, Jew-hatred, for women’s right to choose abortion…

Workers seek road forward out of crisis of capitalism

Vol. 82/No. 46 - December 10, 2018

Workers, farmers and young people Socialist Workers Party members talk to are attracted to the strike of Marriott Hotel workers who have popularized the cry “One job should be enough!” Many say, “That’s right, I’m working two jobs myself.” Or,…

Florida voting rights victory is gain for the working class!

Vol. 82/No. 45 - December 3, 2018
Oct. 27 actions took place across Florida for Amendment 4. Measure won by 64 percent, restoring voting rights to over a million former prisoners, inspiring fights in other states.

The following statement was issued Nov. 21 by John Studer, organizer of the Socialist Workers Party national campaign. The elections in Florida were the most important for working people in the U.S. this year for one reason — the amendment…

Voting rights amendment for ex-prisoners wins big majority

Vol. 82/No. 45 - December 3, 2018

The passage of Amendment 4 in Florida restoring voting rights to most people convicted of felonies there is an important victory for working people and gives an impetus to similar fights across the country. The owners of the New York…

Calif. wildfire carnage is product of capitalist rule

Vol. 82/No. 45 - December 3, 2018
Volunteers wearing masks to keep out smoky air serve food to fire survivors at Walmart encampment Nov. 15. Hundreds of workers are volunteering in face of government inaction.

CHICO, Calif. — Working people in Paradise, Magalia and other towns near here were hit by one of the worst wildfires — named the Camp Fire — in state history, burning over 150,000 acres in Butte County beginning Nov. 8.…

‘Speak out against attacks by bosses, their government’

Vol. 82/No. 45 - December 3, 2018
Socialist Workers Party member Joel Britton, left, speaks with Marriott hotel striker and UNITE HERE member Carlos Zevallos at Westin St. Francis hotel in San Francisco Nov. 18. Zevallos got a Militant subscription. “Without the union,” he said, “I might be one of the homeless.”

“Socialist Workers Party members across the country join with, and speak out in defense of, all those who are hit by attacks from the bosses and their government — like the striking Marriott hotel workers; workers who lost everything in…

Marriott hotel workers strikes going strong, winning contracts

Vol. 82/No. 45 - December 3, 2018
Oct. 31 Halloween day picket by striking workers at San Francisco Marriott Marquis.

SAN FRANCISCO — “All day, all night! Local 2 is on strike!” and “Sign a contract like you should!” chants filled the smoky air here Nov. 18 as UNITE HERE members continued their seven-week strike against seven downtown Marriott hotels.…

Gaza fighting shows need to recognize Israel, Palestinian state

Vol. 82/No. 45 - December 3, 2018

The latest round of fighting between Hamas, the reactionary Islamist ruling party in Gaza, and the Israeli government showed that neither side wants a full-scale war. Despite an intense barrage of rocket and mortar attacks from the Gaza Strip on…

Solidarity, struggle is road to unite the working class

SWP says ‘Build unions, chart course to take political power’
Vol. 82/No. 44 - November 26, 2018
Carole Lesnick, left, who ran as Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. House from Oakland, joins striking Marriott hotel workers on picket line there. SWP calls for need to build unions.

The Socialist Workers Party ran 19 candidates for U.S. Senate, governorships and other offices across the country in the 2018 midterm elections, speaking out against the capitalist rulers’ attacks on workers, farmers and others. They explained that workers need to…