SWP: Workers need to take political power

Join the Socialist Workers Party 2018 campaign!
Vol. 82/No. 30 - August 13, 2018
Dan Fein, left, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Illinois governor, talks with factory worker Jesse Bridges at his door while campaigning in Kankakee neighborhood July 29.

The following statement is from John Studer, chairman of the Socialist Workers Party National Campaign Committee. Efforts by the Donald Trump administration to open negotiations with the governments of North Korea, Russia, Iran, China and the Taliban in Afghanistan are…

SWP takes party, program to workers on doorsteps

Vol. 82/No. 30 - August 13, 2018

As they campaign on workers’ doorsteps in big and small cities and rural areas across the country, Socialist Workers Party candidates and their supporters discuss why a class-struggle road forward is necessary in face of the attacks today from the…

US capitalist rulers face deepening political crisis

Vol. 82/No. 30 - August 13, 2018

As the Democrats and Republicans — the twin parties of capitalist rule — gear up for the 2018 elections, both continue to be wracked by political crises that have accelerated following the election of Donald Trump as president. What lies…

‘Militant’ sets fight against ban in Illinois federal prison

Vol. 82/No. 30 - August 13, 2018

In a broadside attack on freedom of the press and political rights, the Federal Bureau of Prisons has banned the Militant, saying it has stopped delivering the paper to a subscriber in the federal lockup in Greenville, Illinois. If this…

Dairy farmers: ‘Instead of making a living, we’re just making debt’

Vol. 82/No. 30 - August 13, 2018
From left, Barb Troester, Brenda Cochran and Donna Hall from Farm Women United, which sponsored hearing in Lairdsville, Pennsylvania, July 24 to discuss crisis facing dairy farmers.

LAIRDSVILLE, Pa. — “Dairy farming just doesn’t work anymore,” Ben McCarty, a dairy farmer from Lycoming County, told an all-day “Dairy Farm Family Crisis Hearing” here July 24. “Instead of making a living you just make debt.” Dairy farmers spoke…

Socialist Workers Party launches 2018 campaigns: SWP statement

Vol. 82/No. 29 - August 6, 2018

Join the Socialist Workers Party campaigning around the country to build the labor movement and fight for a working-class alternative to the dog-eat-dog, crisis-ridden capitalist system of war, racism and exploitation. The SWP campaign explains why workers’ defense of our…

Protests across south Iraq hit gov’t neglect, Iran intrusion

Vol. 82/No. 29 - August 6, 2018
July 19 protest in Basra, one of many across southern Iraq.

Tens of thousands of workers and farmers have joined weeks of protests in southern Iraq against the government’s failure to provide basic necessities and opposing Tehran’s military, economic and political intervention in the country. The actions took place in the…

New openings for working class as imperialist ‘world order’ unravels

Vol. 82/No. 29 - August 6, 2018
Donald Trump, Angela Merkel and other capitalist rulers stand off during G-7 summit June 9. Tensions are product of crisis of capitalism, which sharpens competition between rivals.

The political, economic and military institutions put together by Washington after the U.S. capitalist rulers emerged victorious in the second imperialist world war — NATO, U.N. and others — were the instruments they used to impose their domination of the…