National farmers convention takes up crisis facing toilers on the land

Vol. 87/No. 14 - April 10, 2023
Socialist Workers Party members Ellie García and Joel Britton with farmer Will Scott in Fresno, California. Britton participated in National Farmers Union convention, talked to working farmers about need for a labor party, based on the unions and worker-farmer alliance.

SAN FRANCISCO — Some 475 farmers, ranchers and other members of the National Farmers Union held their 121st Anniversary Convention here March 5-7. The NFU includes capitalist, middle and working farmers. The presentations and discussions reflected the consequences of today’s…

Campaign to win ‘Militant,’ book readers, spring fund contributors

Vol. 87/No. 14 - April 10, 2023
Socialist Workers Party members introduce Militant, literature by party leaders at rally of school workers in Los Angeles March 23 on final day of strike winning better pay, work hours.

“You should go talk to the Murphys. They are very outspoken about the train derailment disaster here,” Tish McDevitt, a greenhouse worker in East Palestine, Ohio, told Socialist Workers Party members who were bringing solidarity and covering the response of…

Support East Palestine fight for control over the cleanup

Rail workers win victory against 1-person ‘crew’
Vol. 87/No. 14 - April 10, 2023
“People from all over have been coming together to help,” Kaylee Ball, holding a copy of the Militant amid donations at her Salem, Ohio, farm, told SWP member Jacquie Henderson March 23. Working people are battling effects of derailment in East Palestine.

EAST PALESTINE, Ohio — Solidarity with working people, farmers and small-business people who have been affected by the Feb. 3 Norfolk Southern train derailment and their fight to win control over the cleanup and rebuilding here is being expressed through…

Defend crucial constitutional freedoms from gov’t assault

Vol. 87/No. 14 - April 10, 2023

While New York City prosecutor Alvin Bragg pushes to indict former President Donald Trump on charges even he admits would be difficult to prove, federal prosecutors announced they plan to charge up to 1,200 more people in connection with the…

Defend Ukraine independence!
Moscow out of all of Ukraine!

Vol. 87/No. 14 - April 10, 2023
Drawing by 12-year-old Masha Moskaleva from Yefremov, south of Moscow. Ukrainian woman and child defy Russian missiles, with “Glory to Ukraine” on Ukraine flag, “No to war!” on Russian flag. Her father has been sentenced to prison while she’s confined in a children’s home.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s brutal efforts to conquer Ukraine have been deadlocked for months as a result of the courageous efforts of working people in Ukraine. The Russian rulers occupy almost a fifth of Ukraine but the front lines have…

Fight for working people to control derailment cleanup

Jeep caravan shows support for East Palestine
Vol. 87/No. 13 - April 3, 2023
Jacob Tate and family came from Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, to join Jeep caravan in East Palestine March 18 to back fight of residents to win control of cleanup, rebuilding after toxic derailment.

EAST PALESTINE, Ohio — Throngs of residents here lined Market Street March 18 to cheer the “Jeep Invasion” into this small town. The caravan was organized to help working people and small-business owners recover from the disastrous Feb. 3 Norfolk…

Join ‘Militant’ to extend reach of paper, books, $165,000 fund

Vol. 87/No. 13 - April 3, 2023

The international campaign to expand the reach of the Militant — by getting 1,350 subscriptions, selling 1,350 books by Socialist Workers Party and other revolutionary leaders, and raising $165,000 — has gotten off to a good start. When Alyson Kennedy,…

Defend Ukraine independence!
Demand Moscow’s troops out now

Vol. 87/No. 13 - April 3, 2023
Crimean Tatars, the indigenous people there, protest Feb. 26, 2014, six days after Moscow used its troops to seize the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. After the Kremlin tightened its repressive grip last year, Putin stopped there March 18 to try to legitimize annexation.

After a year of waging a near-genocidal war against the Ukrainian people, Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to put a facade of legitimacy on his regime’s seizure of almost a fifth of the country. He went to Moscow-occupied areas…