Iran protests keep growing as students, workers join

Vol. 86/No. 40 - October 31, 2022
Workers at Haft Tappeh sugar cane mill meet Oct. 18 to demand higher wages, reinstatement of a dismissed union representative. The sugar cane workers union has also called for release of imprisoned union members and protesters.

Despite brutal attacks by police, the Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its Basij thugs, and the arrests of thousands, daily protests across Iran have continued for more than 30 days and are still going strong. The protests began…

Rail workers continue fight against boss, gov’t attacks

Vol. 86/No. 40 - October 31, 2022

LINCOLN, Neb. — Some 115,000 rail workers across the country are debating their future as they vote on proposed new contracts, which will determine if there will be a strike. The members of the two largest unions, with 60,000 members…

Vote Socialist Workers Party! Back rail workers, Iran protests

Vol. 86/No. 40 - October 31, 2022
Joel Britton, left, Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor of California, discusses politics with protester while campaigning at Iran solidarity rally of 2,000 in San Francisco Oct. 9.

In the final couple of weeks leading up to elections, candidates of the Socialist Workers Party are campaigning to get out news of key strikes and working-class battles worldwide and presenting the party’s program. And they are introducing working people…

Inflation, slow-up in production deepen crisis for working people

Vol. 86/No. 40 - October 31, 2022

Rising prices are having a devastating impact on workers’ lives in the U.S., across the advanced capitalist world and, especially, in the semi-colonial countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, with no end in sight. The capitalist crisis increasingly involves…

Track workers vote down rail contract, other unions to vote

Vol. 86/No. 39 - October 24, 2022
Rail track workers picket in Kansas City, Missouri, at North American Rail Shippers conference in May. The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, which organizes 25,000 track workers, announced Oct. 10 its members voted down national agreement with rail bosses.

The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, which organizes some 25,000 track builders and repair workers, one of the largest of the 12 rail workers’ unions, announced Oct. 10 that its members had voted down a tentative agreement reached last…

As Putin bombs civilians — Defend Ukraine sovereignty!

Unrest grows among workers, nationalities in Russia
Vol. 86/No. 39 - October 24, 2022
Ukrainians take refuge in Kyiv metro station during Russian missile assault Oct. 9, singing national anthem. Lina Malina said fellow Ukrainians, her people, are a “nation of invincibles.”

Russian forces launched deadly missile strikes against over 20 cities across Ukraine Oct. 10 as a brutal response to a series of setbacks to President Vladimir Putin’s attempts to conquer the country. After seven and a half months of invasion,…

Demand Washington end its economic war on Cuba! Now!

Vol. 86/No. 39 - October 24, 2022
Crews repair electrical grid Sept. 30 in Pinar del Rió after Hurricane Ian. There is no better moment to explain the facts and win working people to oppose U.S. economic war on Cuba.

Click below for downloadable pdfs of this article in English or Spanish           The following statement was released Oct. 11 by Jack Barnes, national secretary of the Socialist Workers Party. The Socialist Workers Party demands that…

Students, oil workers join protests against Iran’s rulers

Vol. 86/No. 39 - October 24, 2022
Strike by oil workers in Asaluyeh, southern Iran, Oct. 10. “Oil workers will not be silent and passive in the face of the suppression and killing of the people and will protest together and in unison with the people,” wrote Organizing Council of Oil Contract Workers.

In face of attacks by government thugs, protests have spread across Iran since the Sept. 16 death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman. She had been arrested three days earlier by the regime’s hated “morality police” for allegedly violating…

Join ‘Militant’ to build, go to protests against Iran gov’t

Vol. 86/No. 39 - October 24, 2022
Lisa Potash, SWP candidate for U.S. Senate from Georgia, speaks at “Women, life, freedom” rally Oct. 8 in Atlanta protesting death of Mahsa Amini in Iran. “Workers and farmers in Iran bear brunt of worldwide capitalist economic crisis, compounded by U.S. sanctions,” she said.

Socialist Workers Party candidates and members have been building and participating in demonstrations across the U.S. in solidarity with working people and youth protesting in Iran over the death of Mahsa Amini after she was detained for allegedly violating the…